Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Our Joshua digging into His Bible (age 3) in Thailand

I'm asking myself a serious question tonight. Why do we adults make things so difficult?
Faith, like a child, Jesus told us to get it, to find it, to hold onto it. Simple.

My Joshua (in his journal) describes faith this way

The word
fathe works
acts 20:32
is full of power
fathe comes by hearing
fathe pleases God
we have God we have hope
be free
the Devil kills steals and Destroys
take the Bible
he tells us what to do

Simply put. The essence of faith. Notes scribbled quickly during an adult Bible study. A little boy's penmanship. The truth of God's Word coming through his faith filled blue eyes.

I am not seeking after religious doctrine, a hierarchy of fancy terms, more head knowledge to puff up my life with pride. No, my desire, fathe like a child. To take every word spoken by my Jesus, and to simply believe, accept, walk in His truth. Simple, beautiful, powerful, world shaking fathe.


Anonymous said...

So, true and pure. mmmm!! Boy, why we ever doubt.

Anonymous said...

So, true and pure. mmmm!! Boy, why we ever doubt.

natali said...

i LOVE this post! such a smart boy :))

Unknown said...

AMEN! Sweet Sara - AMEN!

Walking in a new light with the Lord and have never felt more safe or loved!


Denise said...

Such a sweet post.

Anonymous said...

We adults do tend complicate wht is so simple! xo

Andrea said...

Beautiful! Amen and Amen

Anonymous said...

Amen and amen! And a little child shall lead them... lead on Joshua -- we are following with sweet tears on our cheeks -- priceless, precious tears of FATHE.
Thank you so much for sharing, Sara.
Holy hugs, Kathie

Alison said...


Goodness and Mercy Mom said...

Sara, such profound words from a wise little boy. (You should frame his words about "fathe." Precious.)

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog the other day and introducing yourself. I love splashing around on your blog and will certainly stop by often with my bathing suit on. (Umm. That would be a figurative bathing suit because my literal body isn't ready for pool attire.)

God Bless,

Nadine said...

That photo is precious! That could melt any heart! :0)

achildoftheking said...


andrea said...

well said!we can learn so much from our kids!
great to meet you too!

andrea said...

well said!we can learn so much from our kids!
great to meet you too!

Heart2Heart said...

This just goes to show that our kids still have so much to teach us. If only, we'd take the time to listen!

If you get a chance, stop by and participate in some of my giveaways, most of them end this weekend! I'd love to have you join!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Linda said...

This speaks to my heart Sarah. I have been praying for that simple, child-like faith again - when this foolish adult brain stumbles and fumbles with doubt and fear.
Thank you little one for leading the way.

Sarah said...

You are raising up a man of fathe!!


CARE Families said...

Hi Sara,

Thanks for "splashin' around the CARE blog. We truly appreciate your prayers for orphans and the work God's doing in Kenya.

The joy of the Lord is evident on your little boy's face!

Bless you all.

The Klippensteins said...

I totally agree. We need to watch our little ones more and other adults a little less sometimes to see real faith and trust.I have watched your boys and they are a great example.

The Klippensteins said...

I totally agree. We need to watch our little ones more and other adults a little less sometimes to see real faith and trust.I have watched your boys and they are a great example.

The Klippensteins said...

I totally agree. We need to watch our little ones more and other adults a little less sometimes to see real faith and trust.I have watched your boys and they are a great example.

Debbie Petras said...

Nothing like the faith of a little three year old to teach us something we need to hear, right?

Blessings and love,

Laurel said...

So true!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I look forward to reading more about your family.

Laurel :)

prashant said...

LOVE this post! such a smart boy
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