Mommy's chocolate kisses, my favorite flavor
With the splash of summer lingering around the corner, my thoughts turn to scrumptious ice cream. Everyone has a special flavor that sends your tastebuds into a tizzy. For me, homemade sweet cream with mixed in blackberries. And the favor of the Lord. Tasting His favor flavor.
My handsome husband, a chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream scooper, splashed in God's favor. After moving back to the US, then stepping out of full time ministry, the search began for a new career. Needless to say, the economy happens to be in a bit of a slump. Nothing competes with God's favor as my love started a wonderful new career path.
My Josh, a gooey chocolate with caramel sauce prince, walked smack into God's favor. As the youngest contestant in a bible trivia game show, his team was fast at their buzzers. Entering into the final round in the lead, they calculated the math incorrectly and his team waged the wrong amount of points. If any of the teams answered correctly, they would lose. As the answers were revealed, only Joshua answered correctly. His prize, a Wii game system, a sweet favor gift from His heavenly Daddy.
And for me, favor flooded down in the form of this computer. Our computer randomly stopped working, only blinked a question mark, nothing else. All of our pictures, data, everything stored inside. I sat down and typed into the computer "NO LOSS, NO LACK, NOTHING MISSING, FAVOR" a few times. When it was taken to the computer store, my boys and I spoke the same thing into the store. All of our data, safe. They fixed everything. And of course they upgraded it to the newest of everything, absolutely free.
Definitely the favor flavor of the month. ...And it's just the beginning. Now, sweet friends, what ice cream flavor do you enjoy? My spoon is ready.

I love turtle tracks icecream, and enjoy sharing big scoops with my Father. His flavor is the sweetest always. I love you my friend.
Mocha Java Chip!
Or just plain chocolate!
Glad your computer is OK!!
Scooped with His favor,
Psalm 90:17
My flavor is chocolate chip mint! Or Coconut Mango!
Praising God for His favor :-)
Love and blessings,
His flavor is the sweetest always.
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My favorite flavor of ice cream is difficult to find. It is LEMON (not sherbet, ice cream)! If you ever get a chance...try it...I promise GOD has dipped HIS finger in it...wonderfully fabulous! I do not really care for lemons, yet it is my favorite ice cream!
BTW: If I have not told you lately, I am thankful to have gotten to know you. You have greatly touched my life through your blog and your comments on my blog.
Anything with chocolate chips! I think my all time favorite is Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia. Delicious!!
What a sweet, yummy post.
I'm a plain Jane, vanilla kind of girl.
Hope you are having a beautiful day "scooped" up in the Father's love.
Enjoyed this post...strawberry is my favorite flavor...and my Saviour is divine....
Love this post and your son's picture is precious :-)
My favorite ice cream flavor is Peanut-Butter & Chocolate!
My favorite flavor of ice cream is homemade, hand-cranked vanilla or moose tracks...haven't either for some time now...but found one in Nicaragua that was delish- maracuya y naranja=YUMM!!
OUr heavenly Father's favor is by far the best flavor...and my family have been tasting and seeing what is good for several weeks now! So much good comes from Him!
thanks for this post that brought oodles of smiles :)
My favorite is Blue Bell's (the best ice cream in Texas) Chocolate Sundae.
I find everything tastes better when all is well between the Father and I. It is the perfect "topping".
Banana Cream Pie but His favor flavor is the best. His yoke is easy and His burden is quite light.
Hi Sara! Just saw your comment on my blog, thanks for saying hi! I am considering ordering pizza tonight for all of these boys so I can sit back and read your blog! :)
Have a great day! Be blessed!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to following your beautiful blog.
Hi Sarah,
I don't know if you know tis sbout us. But our family is the coniseur of ice cream. We (not so much I), eat it almost every day. When in Europe we ate it 3-4 times a day. But it was home made gelato. Mmmmm so good. I love peanut butter/ chocolate gelato the bestest.
Hi Sarah,
I don't know if you know tis sbout us. But our family is the coniseur of ice cream. We (not so much I), eat it almost every day. When in Europe we ate it 3-4 times a day. But it was home made gelato. Mmmmm so good. I love peanut butter/ chocolate gelato the bestest.
Glad your computer is OK!!
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