Monday, October 5, 2009

In Mommy's Heart

A Mommy day, filled with joy, tears, happiness and hugs.
Yet an emptiness lingers, a longing for all of our children.

My Ethiopian hugs and kisses

Never to develop in my womb, but precious ones you are growing in my heart.

My arms ache to hold you. Wrapped in God's love, I wait to wrap you in mine.

Your fragile life marred by pain that I cannot erase. I will introduce you to the One who can.

Your first steps, I might miss. I will walk with you for eternity.

A child's smiles and giggles I wait for. My joy will be complete when you're home.

Today I do not know your names or your faces. Dreaming of the day when I do.

I struggle in the wait. You my children are worth waiting for.

I love you. Longing to shower you with His.

image signature


Denise said...

God bless you dear precious one, God bless you.

Debbie Petras said...

Sarah Dawn, I know you will shower this child with His love. You always sprinkle joy to others. And I'm so glad to get splashed too.

Love you friend,

Sande said...

My older babies especially have a heart for these children. When they were young, they would ask if we could adopt a black baby. (Aust laws are real tough though)

We laughed ourselves silly though when we had the Watato Children from Uganda staying with us. They wanted to take our white baby home with them.

Larie Carlice Proverbs 27:19 said...

I hope many children are blessed by these words you have written.


Valerie and Jeff said...

What a beautiful post! I can feel the heart of God longing to hold your children and nurture and comfort them! It is so hard to wait when you know there is hurt and loneliness. God speed in bringing them to you ... and then to Him through your guiding hand.

Unknown said...

Sarah Dawn,

Oh do I understand the longing of your heart and arms.

I'm here standing by your side praying you through the wait knowing God has the perfect child(ren) for your family to love!

Praying over your process, homestudy and all that is of this world for the children He knows are yours to come home forever!

Love you and thanks for sharing your heart!

Leah Adams said...

What a beautiful piece!! Although I have no natural children (by choice), I do have an adoptive Compassion child. I so look forward to the day, one day, when I will look into her eyes and give her a hug. One day I will travel to Tanzania and see little Ruth. One day.


Andrea said...

What beautiful words! Prayers for your mothers heart today.

Beautiful Mess said...

Well written...

thank you

Kathleen said...

Precious. It chokes me up to think of the reservoir of love awaiting this little one. May the waiting end soon and the bonds be forged in 14k gold!


Kim said...

Beautiful words straight from a Mother's heart.

natali said...


Sarah said...

Precious sister,

Our beautiful, compassionate Father is preparing your heart for these precious children. He is also preparing their hearts to meet their forever family, and to step into a realm of love that they have never known. I can't wait to see your little one(s) in your arms, showing him/her/them the great love of our wonderful God.

Many blessings and prayers,

Jen said...

It gives me joy to think of the children God is readying to be a part of your family. How your love will bless them, and how they will bless you! My prayers for you are that the adoption will go smoothly and that God will be glorified as your family grows to encompass more of His blessings!



Heart2Heart said...

Sarah Dawn,

What a wonderful tribute to so many that find themselves alone and without parents.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Alison said...

I really like the way you expressed your feelings in words today - you are a gifted writer SD! Will be praying over God's plans for your home and the children!

Anonymous said...

Sarah Dawn, I love the heart our Father has given you and my dear sister you minister it so well. I am waiting to see pictures of those precious little ones He is bringing to you. May it not be long! Gosh! you encourage me so!!

Holy Hugs, Kathie

Scrappy quilter said...

What a precious post. Praying!!

Beth Herring said...

Oh, what joy! Praying for you my friend!

Beth Herring said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paula V said...

As I was reading, I was wondering if the picture is of the kids but I see further down it is not since you've not seen their faces.

I must peruse your past posts as I'm in the dark of your heart to adopt. Are they on their way? Are far into the journey are you?

He & Me + 3 said...

Beautiful Sarah! In His time the children He has chosen for you will come home to be with you. That is such an exciting thought. How awesome!

Charlotte said...

Sarah Dawn,

Oh how our heart song sings. So often our love for others can travels past times zones & capture our heart. Thankfully, so many of God's children are ready and waiting to share Gods wonderful embrace.


RCUBEs said...

Precious, precious thoughts that only come from a "mother"...Inspired by the Creator. You touched my own mommy heart...God bless you sister and may God continue to guide you, protect you, comfort you and your family.

Karen said...

Beautiful words...beautiful heart...precious promises....

Mich said...

Just simply beautiful...

Linda said...

So beautiful Sarah. Isn't it wonderful to know the Father knows it all already. It will be perfect.

TanyaLea said...

Oh Sarah Dawn~

Your beautifully spoken words are always so rich and full of meaning. I love your heart and tender depth!! I know this desire of your heart and can't wait until the day we are splashing in joyful rejoicing with you as you embrace your little one! The Lord knows your heart and He will see you through!! <><

love you,

Waitingfaithfully said...

Oh sweet friend,

Such a beautiful description of a mama's waiting heart. There is nothing else like it, and I don't know if anyone who hasn't been through "the wait" really understands the depth of it. It's like a piece of you is missing, and you ache with longing to find and hold the missing piece. It's a pregnancy with no due date . . . except for His perfect timing!

I love the thought that even now our heavenly Father is busy at work, behind the scenes, preparing to reveal His perfect plan for you Sarah Dawn! I will rejoice with you when that day comes!

It WILL come, and it will be soooo worth the wait!

Blessings to you, I'm praying as you wait . . .



Jenny R said...

The wait is hard but soooo worth it! Great post.

christy rose said...

Sarah Dawn,
I am overwhelmed by the realization of your desire to bring other children into your home to shower with God's love and kindness. I will be praying for God's perfect will to be done in your family.

Becka said...

Sweet post!!!

Melody said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! Sorry there wasn't anything new to read. ;) I love your blog! What a true joy, experiencing adoption- I pray we can do that one day! But I can only imagine how hard the wait is! God bless you!!

Jackie said...

Sarah Dawn,

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your kind words.

All I can say is...WOW! What a gift you have been given from Our Father. I love, love, love your blog, you write beautifully, and I will be visiting quite often, especially to see how and when your adoption of your precious addition(s) unfolds, lol

We do serve a magnificent God!!


Natalie said...

What a beautiful post! I cannot wait till you have your sweet babe in your arms too!

Kristy said...

Hi Sarah I am so glad you found me. I have only had a few minutes to read your blog but what I have read is such a delight. I look forward to reading alot more and following your journey. How long have you been waiting......we have been waiting close to four years. But God has done many things in our lives, first he has taught me so much about patience and truly lerning how to except his plan, I wrote a childrens christian book about how God loves each of us no matter what our differences are, we have received the blessings, of 3 daughter in laws, 3 grandbuttons, and our 16 year old daughter has grown immensely in God's love. She went on her first out of country mission this summer and WOW!!! how his glory shines in her. She is so much more than I could ever be.

This post to your precious child is incredibly beautiful.

Sarah I will be back to read all about your beautiful family. Have a great day.

Love and blessings, Kristy

trustandobey said...

Hello Sarah ,
Soooo nice to hear from you. I know the wait you speak of. Been there twice. (It is so worth it.) Where are you in the process?
Thinking of you,

Catherine Anne said...

Thank you so much for stopping in! What a great blog! I can just see that you are a beautiful person living your life for Christ! LOVE dancing in his rain!

Kimberly said...

First of all, that is absolutely beautiful and just rich with God's love! Wow!

Secondly, I thank you so much for your comment over at my blog...or my once upon a time blog, since I haven't been blogging any more! It is a pleasure to "meet" you!

And finally, I simply love how you describe yourself...a jeans and t-shirt prayer warrior. :) That makes me smile...cause I'm a jeans and t-shirt kinda gal and I sure do LOVE to pray. :)

K :)

Sharon said...

Hi Sarah Dawn,

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am excited to "splash" around yours. I see you are adopting from Ethopia? Where are you in the process? We just passed our two year anniversary of getting our referral call for Hudson. It is such an amazing experience. are you full time YWAM? I did a DTS way back after college. LOVED it...YWAM has been a huge part of my life with many friends doing DTS's and being on staff.
I look forward to following your journey and your blog looks fabulous!!

Dawn Jenkins said...

"Your first steps, I might miss. I will walk with you for eternity."

Chandra said...

This post brought tears to my eyes. I know exactly how you feel, eloquently captured! We long to hold the children that our Father has planned for us too! Thanks for the sweet encouragement!