Monday, July 8, 2013

And Baby Makes Six

Sorry.  I posted a bit late.  Life just slowed down a bit in a beautifully marvelous way.   I'm tired.  I'm ecstatic.   I'm called mom by 6 now.  Thanks for grace.

Our sweet 9 month old princess snuggled up in our home yesterday.  In less than a year our family of 4 has been crazy blessed into a family of 8.    We had our perimeters.  We had our boxes.  We had what we thought would be the path our family would take on this foster journey.

So beyond happy that His Word is true ...

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." -  Proverbs 19:21

... and that He explodes our man made boxes!

We've splashed a bit of pink into our lives.  Brought home a sweet teenager.  Wrapped up a toddler.  And now, a crawling princess.  13, 11, 8, 5, 2, and baby makes 6.

It's been beyond long since a baby slumbered in our home.  8 years.  So I sit and type, asking this group of mommas for your advice.  Your tips.  Your what I REALLY need.  This tired happy life turned right side up momma could use you.  What was a favorite, a must have, something you remembered from your baby days?  

And as always, I would be splashed happy to have you link up with momma notes.  Anything gloriously mom.  Our notes.  Creating a melody.


bluecottonmemory said...

Congratulations on a bit of pink coming into your home:)A sweet teenager, todder and itty bitty one + 4 - you are so blessed - and courageous - as a mom of 5 - I say you are courageous!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! As a mom of 2, I am amazed and in awe of those of you who can be so peaceful and joyful with that many kiddos... but I know it's a blessing and a calling (not mine) ;) My littlest is 8... so it's been awhile since I've had a little baby in my home... but I think the best advice is snuggle and pray over your little ones every day. :)

Debbie Petras said...

Oh my goodness ...your life has certainly changed and increased since I last saw you my friend. Amazing! And yet God is so good. I have friends who live in Tempe who also are foster parents to many. One of these days I hope to see you again.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I want to follow in your footsteps one day and become a foster parent.

Cheri said...

How amazing! Congratulations :) My best advice is don't forget to get some alone time- your heart needs it! My linked post is all about us momma's taking a little time everyday for quiet. I hope it encourages you. Many blessings :)

Alicia said...

OH, I love the way you live open handed, Sarah! And the sight of those baby toes makes me ache. Best advice? hold, rock, sing over that sweet baby, and savor the time God gives you to pour love into her sweet life. Praying for you, friend.

Linda said...

Sweet blessings to all of you. I would just say to savor the moments dear Sarah. I'm sure you know that already, but looking back it is the one thing I wish I had done much more of.

Christine said...

Sarah, Congratulations! I wish I could have a turn holding her. Oh, how I wish. Babies are my heart specialty.

When I homeschooled with a crawling baby, I used a large circle of storage boxes along with the couch to "pen" the baby in, making a circle of my living room, and I put toys on top of the storage boxes that she could pull up and play with, and books too on top of the boxes and at the foot of them. My baby had a grand "playpen" of interesting things that encouraged her motor skills and kept her interested enough for me to do a lesson with my other kids.

I will try to find my post about it because it included a picture of what I did.

What a blessing for your family and what an opportunity to shine Jesus' love.

Heather said...

Congrats Sarah! My ergo has saved me so many times. It is helpful to snuggle my little one on my back while enabling me to fully engage with my other children, run about, cook, school etc... Most of the baby equipment isn't necessary (as you well know with living overseas during your last baby phase).

Anonymous said...

What a blessing!

Kristi Butler said...

May your heart overflow with sweet blessings as you share it with so many!!

Denise said...

congrats, blessings upon your precious family.

BARBIE said...

So many beautiful blessings in your life! Congratulations!

KathyB. said...

A baby girl always adds so much to a home that is sweet and tender , and one filled with so much love splashin' over is blessed even more. Congratulations !

Eli@coachdaddy said...

My baby is now 8. I know this comes from a dad, but my advice is to live in the moment. Nothing else matters but the moment you're in with your precious baby.

Dionne said...

I am late in joining in here, but wanted to say to make time for lots of snuggling! As far as baby stuff goes-I couldn't imagine not having the play-gym. I could lay my babies down when my arms were tired and they had something to look at and engage them and I could enjoy there excitement about a hanging toy...great for tummy time too. Congrats to you and what a beautiful gift from the Lord.

Michell Pulliam said...

Congratulations Sarah! What a blessing!! When our youngest was born...we had a six and 4 year old and my husband and I moved two hours away from anyone we knew and went into ministry(pastoring) full-time. Oh, and I home-schooled full-time also.;-) This was 18 years ago and the one thing I HAD to learn to do was REST in Him. Those times when I thought I was going to pull my hair out or crawl into a corner and cry my eyes out, were the times I had to let it go and give it to Him. It worked every time, lol! I'm a believer that God graces us for EVERYTHING He gives us to do and motherhood is right at the top of the list. :-) Thanks so much for sharing your precious moment with us...have a blessed rest of your weekend!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! We adopted three children out of foster care. There is such a need for warm and loving homes for these children. Thank you for blessing the least of these.

Jackie said...

Wow. Congratulations! My how busy you must be, and you still manage to blog and keep up with others. I so appreciate that. My goodness it has been six years since we had a baby in the house. Some of my favorite things, a swaddling blanket called the miracle blanket, my kangarookorner sling, my nicolette larson 'sleep baby sleep' cd. The four s's from the happiest baby on the block. Oh enjoy. So I'm not sure if I've read around enough to know, are you fostering or is this an adoption?