Simply me.
I could post a great pic of me, all dazzled up, makeup hiding blemishes, smile perfected for camera. Not today.
Today a shot from my 6 year old's angle. His mommy, fearfully and wonderfully, hanging laundry on the line, wearing comfy pants, hair tossled and tucked.
As I count towards mil gracias, tackling a truth and proclaiming thanks. Choosing to rejoice and return to Jesus and thank Him for making me, every part, in perfection, fearfully and wonderfully me
9. slightly curly slightly straight hair perfect for tucking on rainy days
10. stretch marks in places only we see, reminder of the blessings sleeping down the hall
11. height of tower, tall enough to reach things for strangers in stores, smiling thanks
12. eyes blue and filled with dreams
13. slivers of gray peeking, a crown of wisdom
14. girly shape shifting a bit, not noticed by love of my life
15. uniquely bent smile, showing the spunk in my personality
16. noticeable birth mark, always helped me to remember right from left
17. dainty size 10 tootsies, that can still out race my boys.
18. TRUTH wrapped in Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. "
19. fearfully, wonderfully me
Join me this morning in starting our week in thankfulness. On this Monday, what part of you can you wrap in fearfully and wonderfully thanks?

No better could be taken than that which comes through the heart of a small child!
This is such a neat post. And I love the picture taken from the view of your child...so sweet!
Now I just plain out loved this sweet post...your perspective is so refreshing...
I give thanks for my eyes blue that always brim with tears to match my private and public emotions...
LOVE the pic, it reminds me of a retro commercial where the mom is talking into a video to her sweet child and even the colors of the pic make it look a little older then a modern day one, LOVE it-it is pure Natural, love your list.
Love you list! It is full of reminders of the little blessings we see scattered over our daily lives.
Sara thank you so much for this post. I think today I will try to mimic your post. Only me..let my wonderfulness hang out :0)
I am one who often wonders about what it "LOOKS" like...
Thank you for your bravery to be so real. May I also take courage and let it all HANG OUT!! My crazy hair that is....lol
Love that photo of you!
My favorite photos of my mom look much like that one, just being herself, doing her day to day stuff, not hurrying away from the house or from me, just enjoying life as it is. :)
Sweet...lovely idea!
I like your list!
You are gorgeous! And have lovely things to be grateful for!
What a beautiful post and you look great!! I love how God made us and loves us for who we are. I wish we could love ourselves so much just natural the way he made us. Have a beautiful day!! ((BIG HUGS))!!!!
I loved that! Yes, we are fearfully and wonderfully made! What part of me can I "wrap in fearfully and wonderfully in thanks?" Hmmm. I loved your #10...though my blessings reminded by that particular thing are grown. So, maybe I'll say my "glass is always 1/2 full" (rather than 1/2 empty) attitude. God is so good and my hope is in Him.
Living for Him, Joan
Precious post. Very transparent and honest. Just love it.
Slivers of gray peeking, a crown of wisdom...ah...just wait! Fortunately my man loves my gray, and I've made a lot of memories getting it! Great post.
What a great way to look at things on your list. Hmm, I need a perspective change.
love #10!!! Thank you for giving me a fresh way to add to my gratitude list and to truly appreciate all things!!!
New follower!!!!
Very sweet!
Awesome. You are beautiful inside and out.
Thanks for stopping by today!
I love this post, and I love your blog!!
Greetings Sara!
Thanks for your sweet comments regarding my book release. God is gracious, and I pray it will bless many who are otherwise discouraged.
Your blog is precious! What a beautiful family.
Stay in touch dear sister in Christ! Keep splashing around in His love!
thanks for saying hello at redeemed days! You've blessed me by your kind words and your splashings of joy here. Do return.
You are beyond beautiful, in everyway. I am thankful for my eyes, even though my vision is fading due to diabetes. God allows me to see through my heart. I love you sis.
Thank you, Thank you, Sara. Only very recently can I really, really identify with seeing myself as fearfully, wonderfully me! It's been a long, long time coming but I am so grateful to finally be able to agree with DADDY GOD that He did not mess up when He made me! And I am beautiful even if I can't fit in my wedding dress today.
Holy hugs, Kat...
Thanks for stopping by my spot which has lead me to you Love your splash around in GOD's glory !!!!
Have a blessed day ~~~
Thanks for stopping by yesterday! You are of course welcome to splash around whenever you wish. :) God bless your day!
I like your picture and your list!
You have a neat blog!
Thanks for stopping by mine as well.
I like your picture and your list!
You have a neat blog!
Thanks for stopping by mine as well.
Thank you for the visit and sweet words.
And I love love this photo.
it says much.
yes you are!! What a fabulous reminder! We are His handiwork!! GReat post!
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