Celebrating all that has blossomed in my life, including you dear friends.
Introducing myself for the first time you came to encourage me in this new adventure. Imagine a year that I began as a missionary mommy serving as a family in Costa Rica. A life that I never expected to change. You walked and hugged alongside of me as I said goodbye to a country I loved to follow the Lord's leading, to a country I never thought I would return.
You rejoiced with me as we watched Him provide beyond our wildest dreams, laying down mine to pick up His. You whispered sweetness as I humbly entered into a time of refinement and silent reflection. You listened as I learned to dance on my Daddy's toes and journey into intimacy with my Abba.
Today I simply want to say thank you. I never quite envisioned this year unfolding into a cactus blossom in the Arizonan desert. I can only imagine what goodness awaits me this year.
Every celebration deserves a little party. Wouldn't it be wonderful to meet together and share our stories? I do love to give hugs. Today, would you take a moment to introduce yourself (as of course, friends you are the honored guests) and share something that YOU are celebrating this year. (and maybe something that you are wearing to the party:)

Amazing how much God can do when we open ourselves up completely to His plan!
Amazing that one year has gone by since I first met you - wow!
I have truly enjoyed watching you blossom!
I'm sitting in my comfy pj's all wrapped up in a soft blanket as I prepare for my night prayers before bed!
Thank you for asking me to join you on the journey of a lifetime!
Love splashing with you!
Hugs and can't wait to eat at Sweet Tomato with you and Debbie!
happy celebration... and party time for you
i've so loved your blog and your journey.
you are such a light and an encouragement!!
Hello my beautiful friend, so glad God allowed us to meet through blogging. I am sitting here in my pajamas, loving your party. A precious highlight from my year, was on Christmas Eve night. My husband almost died, and was put in intensive care, he now has the sister disease of MS. B ut, praise God, he is alive. Thank You Father God. I love you my friend.
Hi my sweet friend....I'm so glad you asked this question! =)
The thing I think that is my most fondest memory of you is from way back in the beginning of your blog when I was encouraging you to be a blogger because I thought that you had so much to share and so much to teach others and you encouraged me to be a Mom. I lived through you, as I longed to go out into the world to make a difference and to see and do things. But you gently reminded me that God had called me to be a Mom and it was very important for me to remember that.....and I have.....every.....single....day. =)
Thank you Sara.....you don't even know how much you have encouraged me this past year! I value your friendship very much....and I'm so glad that you are patient....I almost called you the day you left your second to last comment on my blog! I was so tired of missing that small window of calling time and was just going to call you anyway, even if it wasn't at the right time!! =) But I didn't because I didn't want to interrupt what you might have been doing. =( I WILL call, some day soon....I promise <3 & HUGS
Just getting to know all the work you have done for God's glory is a true blessing for all of us to witness.
I am sitting here in my PJ's still recovering from surgery for a hysterectomy. In the last year, I have finally found the reason for chronic pain that plagued my life for almost 6 months and baffled 2 doctors until a 3 was found that cured me.
Here's to many more wonderful things to be discovered with us getting to know you more.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Hi Sara,
Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog. I'm enjoying getting to know you.
Look at you, 1 year and 300 followers. Congratulations on blogging for a year. Don't you just love it? I know I do. I am wearing my PJ's to you party, hope that is okay with you. God is good and I know He loves your heart.
Congratulations on your first anniversary in bloggyland! I too am an Arizonnan Blogger ~ Oh my we much meet in person soon! Phoenix for me:)
It is a joy and honor to be able to share in praying for your family and ministry. Thank you for sharing your heart and life and for allowing us to share it with you.
Here's to many more 'splashin' years of blogging around!
Blessings, Cindy
It's been a year already? Wow. Congrats, Sara! Very proud to be apart of your beautiful blog.
hi sara,
congratulations on your first blogaversary. how time flies.
i'm here in the office. i'm wearing blue jeans and black tops and black pumps. i'm not in uniform... hehe...
anyway, i will never forget the story how you picked my name when you had your giveaway. thanks to your son. i guess that was more of a God moment because He knew i needed to have that book. until now, i'm still reading it, every morning. life has been rough for me but thank God for His strength, i am able to live with my sanity intact day after day. i'm still waiting for the right timing to step into my promised land and the book you sent me has been helping me walk my journey in life.
may you have more blessed blogging years ahead and i hope and wish we'll see each other some time.
Love sharing the journey with you. Love splashin' around with you in His glory. xo
Congratulations! I so enjoy your blog. You bless me each time I click over to see you.
My year has also been interesting. The Lord has walked me through a time in my ministry of silence...or perhaps quietness. It is a time when the public speaking opportunities have diminished, but the private one-on-one ministry opportunities have exploded. It has been a time of writing a Bible study that flows out of my own journey. It has been a time of growth and molding.
I pray your next year is simply amazing, Sara. Can't wait to walk with you via the e-world.
Hello Sara,
Thanks for the invitation to join you as you celebrate your first year of blogging.
I can see you've gone a long way...although our visits to each other's blogs are few and far between, I do value the times when I am able to drop by your place. There is always that splash of joy, and it is contagious!
The highlight of my past year has something to do with the healing from the pain of losing my husband, my best friend here on earth while he was still around. I will be forever grateful to God for having given us 30 wonderful years together...and knowing that he is now enjoying beholding the beauty of our Father in heaven has helped me move on in this new season of my life, without him.
I do hope that we will be able to share our lives in a deeper way this coming year.
Thank you for asking me to share... well, it's 6 pm in the Philippines, it's a warm balmy evening, and I'm wearing shorts and a tee shirt as I write these words.
Again, congratulations! May God's presence continue to be real to you, as I know it is, both in the good times and the not so good times of your life.
Greater things are in store for you, dear blog friend.
Sarah Dawn,
I came to love you through the splashing of love that you poured out on to me. Walked many times with you through your first year and look forward to many more.
I sip my coffee this morning, thankful for YOU and your heart for OUR Jesus.
Hi sister Sara, I got your invitation while in my pj's :) as the dawn is just breaking! The way Sara Dawn came into this blogging world and brought her Sonshine!
Happy Anniversary to you and it's amazing to see you through this life's journeys ups and downs, life's valleys and mountaintops, laughter and pain...But you showed us that a life committed to the Groom no matter what trial you face, will help us get through. Because He is faithful to always be there for us.
I have no favorites with your walks with the Lord, because all of them encouraged me. Wait! Maybe one stood out! Your willingness to follow wherever He leads you.
I still remember the doctor's words to me after sustaining my neck injury in 1997: "Get out of nursing!" As the pain has not gotten better over the years despite the therapy. But in tears and surrender, He picked me up where I had fallen. What was impossible here in this world, is not impossible with the Lord. When we completely trust in Him and obey! Glory to God!. He made me witness a spiritual battle. Not to scare me but to prepare me for where He wanted me to be. 10 years later, I am still a nurse [thank You Lord!], hoping that I am sharing His light behind those dark prison walls. Only by His grace...Your journey blessed mine...God bless you sister. Let's lift up our cups for a toast! Because He is faithful to fill them until they overflow :) Take care sister and friend! May the Lord bless you richly and your beautiful family.
Happy One Year of Blogging. It has been wonderful! Your posts always encourage and leave lasting impressions on those of us that read them. your heart is so precious & the Love of God shines through in every post.
Hugs to you sweet friend!
Ooo...a party! Can I wear my pjs? ;) Gosh, God has really blessed me this year. I've married an incredible man, and I'm now pregnant with baby #2. I could take up your whole comment section with awesome highlights of the year, but those would be the biggest and the best.
Happy one year to you!! Hope your next is full of God's blessings. :)
I love a celebration as much as God does! I remember the day you splashed onto my blog and introduced yourself for the first time. You had such a JOY and a spirit of Him - that my blog was dripping well after you left that day! I remember thinking - I want to know this girl who loves Jesus as much as I do! We will be good friends!
Many of us in Blogland have walked together and shared the high roads as well as the low roads of our journey's of faith in Christ! I am happy and Joyful to celebrate with you today!
Choosing Great JOY,
Congrats on your year blogaversary.
I just stumbled across your blog today, and I can say that I am blessed.
A highlight of my year? My sweet son Samuel. Four years ago we were told that we probably wouldn't be able to have anymore children because my husband was diagnosed with cancer. Within those years the Lord has blessed us with remission, and two beautiful sons. One being Samuel who was born in September.
I will be following you!
Sara, Thank you so much for stopping by and giving me the heads up on your blogoversary. I don't remember exactly when God led me to your spot, but I'm so grateful He did. I have been uplifted, challenged, and encouraged by you and your writings. I'm hoping to get to know you better as we journey together. Blessings, SusanD
You are wonderful! Every time I have come to your blog I have left feeling inspired and enlightened! Thank you for sharing your heart for the King and your life!
Be blessed-
Happy one year celebration!
Mind if I come dressed in a t-shirt and comfy pants? (It's a sick day for me, but no excuse not to join the party!)
Your site is always encouraging, always honest, always open and directed right at our Savior.
Thank you for the uplifting posts!
Hi Sarah Dawn! Thank you so much for your stop by the Bona Fide Life. :) Congrats on your year journey! I have been quietly in the background enjoying your encouragement! I look forward to seeing more! My highlight this year is my new site Gather Inspirit... just trying to be Jesus' hands and feet in the blog world. He has made the way! Praise God! Congrats again!
Hi Sarah! Happy one year wooohooooo and what a party ur having ;) Im wearing my comfy pants teeshirt and my fluffy warm socks, a bit chilly here today.
My best memory through the year is my relationship with my best friend and her family. We have a wounderful friendship and some great felloweship. And having a good christian friends that you can fellowship is awesome.
Look forward to reading your blog for another year and next years party hehe.
Sweet Sarah,
I am privileged to have shared this year with you. I come to your lovely celebration wearing a deep gratitude. While you grew through your ministry in Costa Rica, your silent refinement, and your journey into a new adventure with GOD, you blessed me in deep and profound ways. With every splash of Sarah, I received GODS heavenly splash! HE spoke through you so many times with love and encouragement. So, I come to this beautiful party thanking you for being a living vessel for HIM, even on those days when you did not feel like it.
Hugs, love, and prayers,
I have to confess that I have only visited sporadically. I have a terrible time keeping up with all my amazing bloggy buddies. I have always been one of those people that only has a few good friends and lots of acquaintances. Blogging has opened up a whole new world of friendships and a way to spur one another one while also sharing God's glory being manifested in our lives and the lives of those with whom we share life!
I have no idea how long I have been blogging over at Purpose Driven Family...a few years or more I guess.
This year I am celebrating the REDEEMING power of my God.
He is able to make beauty from ashes. There is none like Him!!
With joy,
Well I'm just discovering your blog today. And what a beautiful one it is indeed. Happy Anniversary
First of all, God bless you for doing what He has called you to do. I am the honored one for finding your blog.Your a blessing to all who read. You posted a sweet comment on my blog, thank you. My year has been a wild ride. I have 2 teen boys at home and one almost out of the nest. We have been through a few trials over the last yr.with both of them, but trials brings refinement and refinement, faith. My faith has grown more than I can possible imagine.God is good isn't HE.......I never want to loose the hunger for His Word.drop by and visit anytime.
And a happy celebration to you! Thanks for sharing the joy!
This year I am celebrating God's constant provision, through a year of not knowing where we would be, finally settling in here, but not feeling like we're fulfilling our "mission." Sometimes the waiting is oh so hard, but is actually the most important part of the journey. Praying for open eyes to see His calling, whatever and wherever it is.
Sweet Sara, I've enjoyed splashin' with you. You've come a long way baby ...especially being that it's only one year!
I'm so glad to be a part of your journey that the Lord has planned for you.
One of the best parts has been to meet you in person. You are beautiful both inside and out. Getting to pray with you was very special. You told me on the phone the last time we spoke to speak the Scriptures aloud. Such great advice and thank you.
I'm so glad to see that you are learning to dance again and to experience the true freedom we have ...in Christ.
So many Christians are so involved in ministries and programs as they work FOR GOD.
But I believe He wants to work in us and through us. Our job is to rest in Him and marvel at what He can accomplish with a willing and sold out vessel. There are people in need of our Savior and I'm so glad that He chooses to use us in His Kingdom plans.
I look forward to many more visits with you Sara. I'm blessed to call you a friend.
Love you,
has it really been a year already??? God has done so many incredible things in the past year ... I really don't know where to begin! I've so enjoyed journeying with you! : )
I have had many highlights this year....but I think the biggest is after 748 days...FINALLY passing court for my daughter. :) http://findingolivia.blogspot.com/2010/04/finally-my-daughter.html
Love your spirit and sacrifice...congrats on reaching a year of blogging. ;)
I love you and your blog. You are always so encouraging and I am thankful that the LORD brought us together through this funny little thing called "blog world". Wouldn't it be cool to meet each other someday in person and receive on of those hugs! Well, I'm still sending one out to you and thank you for the friendship. Looking forward to the journey in this next year.
Hi Sara!
Congrats on a wonderful first year of blogging!
I am wearing my stretchy Chico's clothes to your party.(Traveler's collection-no ironing ever required!)
The highlight of my year was definitely truly surrenduring my life and living for Jesus.
Now all sorts of wonderful opportunities have presented themselves!
I closed my law practice and have a job where I can work 8-4:30 and "leave it at the office" and I am going on short-term mission trips!!!
Thanks so much for your advice about how to share my faith when I go to East Asia in June :-)
I have been so amazed at what can be once we allow God to do his will in our lives. I have been so free this past year and even with the down moments I have been able to see his glory.
Congratulations To You Dear Heart!!
Many blessings to you!
One main highlight of my past year was visiting India (again) and seeing the joy in the Lord of the believers in the Lord Jesus there. My daughter came with me - so I'm hoping that my wife will join my next trip. If the Lord will.
I am so pleased you pick me today for a visit. I loved your post and your words so inspiring. I happy you asked me to join you for a special celebration on your behalf. Trust you will find time to drop by blog Wed. 4-28 for a very special post from me.
Congratulations on your one year blogiversary!
It has truly been an honor to follow you and your family here.
May God continue to bless you and your family fully as you continue your journey here in this place.
If we dont meet here, its comforting to know we WILL meet there! What a day of rejoicing that will be!
Love and Prayers,
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! I am celebrating the blessing of a happy, healthy family!
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Happy blogiversary! I will be celebrating my one year blogiversary on the 29th! What a wild years it's been...we merged our church with another congregation, my son in law and daughter who have been our associate pastor's for 11 years are planting their own church, middle daughter and hubby are fundraising to return as missionaries to Ghana, and youngest daughter joined the staff at International House of Prayer and moved to Kansas City. I've been on change overload!
I love your blog and your heart for God Sara. God's richest blessings on you and your family!
Hi Sara,
Thanks so much for the invite to your 1 year party. It has been such a blessing to have 'met' you and journeyed with you in this past year. You are so encouraging and a great teacher.
I have been a Christian since I was a small child, but I have grown more in my walk with Christ in this past year than I have in my life up to this point. I'm celebrating that my eyes are wide open in a way they haven't been before and I'm desiring to know Him so much deeper.
Oh, how I love to stop by and splash with you!
Thank you for stopping by with a reminder of your bloggoversary! Happy 1 year to you!! May our God bless and keep you and your family and always cause His face to shine on you all! (((Hugs)))
Sara Dawn, Congratulations! Thanks for inviting me to the party! I've always had a heart for missions and have been blessed to see your family following God wherever He calls you. I am thankful there are families out there still listening to God and willing to be used by Him. - Sharon
This is my first visit and I'm glad to be here. Congrats on your first year and see you again soon!
Hooray for you and hooray for the Lord's great grace and generosity! I'm wearing a tutu to the party and I'll bring bubbles!
Joyful Blogiversary, Sara!
We share names, we share our heavenly Father...I love how you put, dancing on our Father's toes...I too, have leaned in closer than I knew over this last year as He, only He, delivered us from a heavy mortgage and led us to becoming debt free...
It has been a year of jubilee and I am excited at all the detetherings from this world He has in store for me...and us, as we look forward to the future kingdom where we will walk with Him and see Him face to face...
joy always...blessings,
Sara, thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I had forgotten to bookmark your page so kind of lost track of you. Happy blogiversary! :) This year I'm helping my daughter plan her wedding. We'll be celebrating big-time come July! Blessings to you!
Thank you so much for your sweet invitation Sara. You have given me so much more, as you share your heart, than I could ever give you.
When I think back over this year, I find myself struggling to find the highlight.
It has been a difficult year. My elderly parents are failing, and it seems it has been one crises after another.
However, in looking back I realize that I have found a new sense of the Father's presence, grace, and faithfulness. My brother, who has been so far from the Lord, is making his way slowly back. We have been carried by His love and there has been joy in the midst of it all. I am learning to stop worrying so much and walk in the grace He gives for each moment.
So...I think it has been a good year.
Happy blogiversary dear Sara. You are a joy and I hope we get to splash around together for a good long time.
happy one-year blog anniversary! :) I love following along with you!
I praise God for your fabulous first year and have enjoyed splashing along with you in the rivers of His joy.
I am expecting my 6th grandchild in weeks. Yes, my 6th! At 47, I am a very blessed, YOUNG, Nana, but I love every new baby just the same as the last.
Looking forward to more from you and from God through you.
In Him,
Sara...your contagious joy for life and love of our Father has continuously drenched me with your splashing...I have always been blessed by the sharing on your blog...hope you have another great year in blogland...
I am with Andrea and wearing gratitude today with a shawl of praise...as I thank the Lord for blogging friends...and for His hand upon my family...
you were so sweet to seek me out & keep up with my blog! i've so enjoyed reading your story & "meeting" your family! you are so inspiring--your faith, your willingness to just follow our Father & take those steps, your ministry (we went to costa rica on our honeymoon, so i'm a bit jealous your family lived there!).
this year, ben (the law student) and i are celebrating his GRADUATION next week!
i never thought blogging would enrich my life the way it has. thank you for being a part of that blessing.
--blessings, lauren
I'm celebrating that God holds me in His Hand, that I am learning to trust him and rest in Him more each day, even though I don't always understand what he's doing. I'm celebrating blue skies and new friends and finally being in Colombia!
Congratulations on year one! I finished my first year last month.
Something I celebrated this last year? I came out with my first book, a collection of essays/devotionals on Proverbs.
Thanks for the invitation to party with you!
I'm celebrating His love...how He loves me just like I am...and how He's teaching me to love Him with all of my heart. Soul. Strength. And mind.
He's so good like that.
And if I had known that you were going to ask about attire, I would have dressed up a bit. Will running shorts and tee shirt work for you?
Hope so!
Sweet dreams.
Happy anniversary! I have enjoyed reading your heart. Thanks for encouraging, and inspiring with every post.
Hope you are having a beautiful week!
so glad God allowed us to meet through blogging.
home based data entry
Just wanted to say thank you for stopping by my little blog corner the other day! Hope you're having a lovely week so far. :)
Isn't God amazing on the individual journey he brings each of us.
We made a huge move from Seattle to Atlanta...
Big changes and lots of growing, wearing the joy of the Lord for His amazingness in all He has done.
what admirable life you have!
What a year it has been watching you grow in the Glory of God! Splashing around with you has been a learning experience for me in my personal journey!
Thank you for sharing yourself.
I too love hugs... here's one from the East Coast. :o) {{{hugs}}}
My name is Andrea and I am praising God for planting the seed of a mission trip to Ethiopia and then watching it unfold...then be so much more than I ever imagined.
God is so very good!
To you...looking forward to another year with you.
Sara~ As I sit this morning in my pj's, I'm rejoicing in the many wonderful sister's in Christ I have met here in bloggingland! My heart has been touched by so many of them.
I don't spend as much time as I use to reading blog after blog, I've been spending time getting to know the Lord better.
I so miss, many here in the blog world, but, I can't explain how I am really understanding the Lord's love and grace for me. It's exactly where He wants me to be right now.
As I periodically read my favorite blogs...His love, through them, captures my heart in ways I never thought possible!
Many blessings to you my sweet sister!
Captured by His Love,
Congrats and Happy 1st Anniversary of your blog! it is a great place to visit and grow at.
One thing I am really celebrating this year is how God worked out the details before, during and after my cancer surgery. He is amazing!
Hope this coming year is filled with an abundance of God's blessings on you and everyone who visits you.
Congratulations! I just found your blog today and I am looking forward to following and watching all of God's plans for you and your family unfold. You have already blessed me in just the few months of posts I have read. And I think it is so cool that I also live in Arizona! I live in Gilbert. Not sure what part you are in?
This year has been an incredible one for our family. With 4 children, the oldest is in her fist year at ASU, God called us to adopt. Just as he tells EVERYONE to Care for the orphans and the widows, we finally realized he could see us when we closed our eyes and when we plugged our ears and we obeyed. It was a different journey than we expected it to be and we drew so very close to him through much sadness and grief, but after all of that I would do it over any time! It has been the greatest gift of all my life outside of our salvation and we are so blessed to have gone to China in November to bring home our darling daughter Lexi. Thanks for letting me stop in and share in the party. I am clothed in humility and gratefullness and I am going to wear it every single day! Hugs from AZ, Mary
Sweet Sara,
I've followed your beautiful journey to the Father's heart and it's been so inspiring! Your heart for Him has blessed me!
This year I am celebrating and embracing motherhood with everything I have-- I'm throwing myself into this kingdom calling and I've determined in my heart to do it as unto my Jesus. The late nights, the endless days, as well as the good times--I'm cherishing these moments!
Wow! A year? Is that possible?
As I think back on what God has done in my life, and remember reading your amazing story---I thought...how hard it would be to leave "the here" and go to "there" wherever that "there" might be.
But indeed, God did call me to perform an Abraham walk this year. Right out of my 8 to 5 perfect setting job. Perfect setting, perfect pay, kind hearted people. Out of that into His path.
The unknown has yet to be completely unfolded--yes, like a rose after a splashing rain--- :)
We'll see. I do know one small path--I take my very first plane ride this year in July to Honduras on a church mission project. Very first. Hopefully of many more. But that, dear friend, is entirely up to my "Scheduler".
Have a super blessed week! Glad your heart is overflowing into all of ours! God is AWESOME! I can't wait to see what else He does in and through YOU and your family!
Congrats on your first year sweet friend. It is amazing the wonderful people that we meet as 'family' in this world of blog. They hold you up, wipe tears & belly laugh right along with each of us ... support team that never quits.
If you don't know Sherry ~ countrywingsinphoenix.blog ~
you must visit her, she is from AZ ... & a 'sis' of mine. You'll love her. They have gatherings often.
Have a great day!
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Hi Sarah,
Congratulations on your first year of blogging! Thank you for inviting me to the party, but I'm too far to meet you in person, however, I really enjoy your blog.
It is so wonderful to see more people like you shining God's Love in Cyberspace. May The Lord continue His wonderful work in you and through you.
I would like also to say hello to all of your friends. I'm most of all a follower of Jesus, passionate about our Father and life in general. I am also stay at home Mom and a writer, the author of two blogs here on blogspot and over 200 online articles published on various sites.
Today I'm celebrating God's Love and the life He has blessed me with, as well as opportunity to meet online and in person so many of His children who became such an encouragement to me.
Blessings to you all!
Thank you for inviting me to your party, Sara! I rejoice with you in the past year and all that God has blessed for you. I am thankful for your heartfelt prayers for me and my family. We are in a big battle, but I'm rejoicing because God is greater. I'm looking forward to your future anointed posts, my Arizona sister!
Congrats on your year anniversary blogging. It truly is a great way to reflect and give glory to God. Thanks for celebrating and offering for us to join you! Me . . . I am celebrating another baby growing inside of me (Surprise), a little boy who can ride his bike, another little boy who loves Jesus with all his heart, and a third little boy who smiles and loves saying my name. Sweetness.
Hi Sara,
You have gotten lots of fans of your blog in 1 year! Congratulations!
Your blog is such a blessing. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us.
Blogging has become my new hobby in just a litte over a year, too.
I am so glad to be able to read blogs of so many Christian Moms/Prayer Warriors!
Right now, I am wearing one of my favorite soft tops-turquoise, blue, black and a little white, with one of my favorite soft skirts-turquoise, and my favorite black patton sandals.
I am about to change into some comfortable pjs, so that I'll fit in with the rest of the crowd! Lol
(and because it's time to do that and get comfortable at home, except that I need to go outside and check on my husband first, who is doing yard work-sorry to ramble!)
Thank you again for sharing your life in your blog!
Hi Sara,
It's so good to connect with you. I love following your blog even if we cannot meet up in public. Thank you for sharing your heart here, even the tough things that come up.
This year I am exceedingly happy to celebrate the birth of my little Gavin. This means so much more to me today than it has in the last few months, as we have received some sad news on our friends' little girl today. So I definitely celebrate my husband and son today. I am truly a blessed woman. So good to see you are blossoming in your walk!
Dear Sara,
How cool that we both started blogging in the same year?! I figured you had been blogging so much longer. You have been such a refreshing splash this year and have so much to share in your deep reflections on Scripture (you have such deep pools of wisdom! Thank you for sharing!) I celebrate the love of FAMLY today and how the beauty of that (even in it's crazy, and at times somewhat chaotic aspects) deepens my love for God and His love for me and in turn my love for orphans and wanting to provide for them a family. I'm still in my jammies this early morning before the boys wake up. Thank you for splashing this year!
Celebrating with you!
I am inspired and encouraged with each visit I make here! It is the purest puddle I love to splash around it!
Grace to you!
Happy Anniversary to Blogging! You are such a bright light in our cyber world :-) It has been a joy to come visit and get to know you this past year, although of late I've been a bad blog-hopping buddy :-(
The highlight of my year has been the birth of my niece's triplets. Teddy, Josh and Emma are three little miracles that I got to watch God perform. They arrived at 32-1/2 weeks PERFECT and were home in 3 weeks from their birth. They have taught me about faith and trusting God in prayer and watching Him do a modern-day miracle.
Thanks for the party, celebrating you and your blog, as well as God's blessings in our own lives!
Can't wait to read what God has in store for you this next year!
Hugs :-)
Hello dear Sara,
I am pleased to be invited to your party. If you would like to see what I am wearing to this delightful party, pop on over…☺
You are such a sweetheart. You stopping by my blog to visit with me has been one of the joys of this past year. I am blessed by your gently ways and loving heart. Thank you for caring and sharing God’s love.
I have been blessed this year in God’s loving provisions for my family, for our health, and for His protection over us as we go about our daily lives. I am thankful for His mercy and compassion, grateful that He remembers my frailties and is patient with me.
Psalm 103:13, 14
13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.
14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.
Psalm 145:8,9
8 The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.
9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.
God bless and keep you and your family close to Him in the coming year.
Much love!
Thank you for the invitation to help you celebrate your 1st anniversary (I celebrate my 2nd anniversary next week!) in bloggerland. Quite an accomplishment!
I'm attending barefoot so I can splash around in your pool! Keep on keeping on following God's word.
Thank you for visiting my Tell Me A Story Post. You are the first and I welcome you. So glad you are celebrating your one year blog. I just celebrated my "Boomers" one on April 24. You have been on my heart and on my prayer list as the girl who prays special prayers on Sundays. I remind the Lord to hear your heartfelt prayers. Bless you as you continue on in your ministry.
Hi there, I left a comment before as I found out about your blog via a friend of mine Sassy Granny (Kathleen). I believe we live near each other or at least Kathleen seemed to think so. Glad to hear you're settling nicely into being cactus happy ;-)
Congrats on your year blog anniversary. Wishing you many more blessed years of growing and splashin' glory.
happy celebrating :-) congrats on your anniversary!! i have so many happy memories and life lessons from each year. i love recording them!! your kids are so adorable!! God Bless.....
Sara, I can't say that I recall just how I happened upon your blog but other than LPM Blog you were my first to begin to read. And when you visited mine and left me a comment I was SO excited. It has been such an encouragement to me to discover a world of women out there in blog land who love Jesus. It gives me hope in this sad, corrupt world in which we live. Lets keep spreading the Gospel and love of Jesus into every cell of cyberspace we can. With love and holy hugs, Kat...
It has been a fun year. I've been blogging almost a year now too. It's fun isn't it?
You have always been inspiring & encouraging. You have such a sweet spirit and your love for your husband & kids is a joy to behold.
My year changed in that my homeschooled kids went to public school and I went to work at a school.
My care free schedule of doing laundry at anytime and cooking a good meal every day at lunchtime got flipped around. I rarely see my husband because he works swing shift & we rarely all eat together.
Thankfully my husband cooks and we get a good meal when we get home most days, barring something doesn't have to be fixed instead of him cooking.
Just missing our family times together. We have to make an effort now to do this. It used to just happen every day.
I guess I'm celebrating change, but since I don't like change much it's hard, but God is good and He knows what is best for us. Things will fall back into place as He would have them.
I'm wearing "Joy" because I've learned so much at my new job this year and I've had fantastic people to teach me and be at my side when things have gotten tough. Joy in God's journey.
Have a great second year my blogging friend.
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