A new season. Surrendering everything to know Him.
Stepping out of full time ministry.
Years on the mission field took a toll on our family.
Focusing, rebuilding, seeing a God size change.
My marriage. My boys. My me. Lovingly transformed.
Growing closer. Rekindling love.
Walking along the path of restoration.
Swimming in His liquid love. Learning to breathe it in.
Not because of what I do, simply because I am His.
Laying it down, 12 years of creating this life of ministry.
Resting in Abba's best for our family.
Dancing in abundant love. Seeking Him with all.
Reveal. Rejoice. Restore.
We never envisioned this happening on our returning to the US, but we are so thankful that God saw a true desire in our hearts to know Him with everything that we are. He truly is refining us, that we may know Him more intimately and reflect Him more accurately.
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement and love as we served in missions as a family. Thank you also for rejoicing with us in this new season. God is doing a beautiful work in our family.
“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the spirit of the Lord.” -2Corinthians 3:18
This is my story, being scripted on the pages of my life. How is God's love transforming yours?

Amen...Abba's best...looking forward to what He gives you to share during this new season....
I know that y'all feel blessed to be in the Father's hands, even though it doesn't look like you imagined - and He is pleased with your surrender to Him!
Praising GOD you listened and obeyed HIS lead. HE knows exactly what each of you needs...a time of refreshing!
Hugs, love, and prayers,
That is one of the things I like best about God - He gives us what we need, when we need it - not a moment before and only lets us in on what we can handle - one step at a time as we fully put all of our trust in Him!
I praise Him for the awesome love you are swimming in and be fully soaked by! I praise Him for the ways you never imagined your life to look and change! I praise Him for the ways you are able to know Him maybe for the first time so real, deep and wide! I praise Him for the restoration and renewal of your life and walk with Him!
I love you and send big hugs!
Funny how He takes us places we ourselves never envisioned. Enjoy resting in His arms. xo
I am so happy for you and your family. May God continue to sweetly bless you.
Sara, I'm so glad to read this post of yours. Falling in love with Jesus is the best. You don't have to be on the mission field overseas either. If that is where He calls you ...great. But I've found there is a huge harvest right here; in our families and neighborhoods. We may be the only Jesus that they see.
My email hasn't been working for three days now and Greg promised to get it working soon. In the meantime, I wanted to tell you that I met another blogger; Kathleen AKA Sassy Granny. She lives about twenty minutes from where we are now living. I wrote about our meeting on my thankful Thursday post. She told me that she introduced you (online) to a gal she knows who is adopting from Ethiopia. I told her she'd love meeting you in person.
Miss you and will get in touch soon.
Beautiful. That's where I want to be...swimming in His liquid love and Dancing in His abundant love! Blessings!
Looking forward to seeing what He has in store for you.
Blessings to you and your family.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful post today. Moving into a new season is exciting and concerning at the same time. It's like stepping out of the boat and walking with Jesus when we have no idea what to expect.
Can't wait to hear more of what HE is doing in your life. His ways often seem strange and foreign to us, but oh, the thrill of walking with Him.
God bless you, Sara.
Entering Seasons of Spring in our Spiritual walk is always SO AMAZING!!! The winter always seems long but in the end is so worth it for the abundance of what is to come in the spring!
Enjoy the process Sara!
It will be a year this August since my husband stepped out of the pastorate. He's been preaching in different churches and doing pulpit fill, but right now we are also working on our family...on building us up in the Lord, so we can in turn build others up. We know that eventually the Lord would have us plant a church where we are in NY, but for the moment, this is a time of refreshing for us and I am rejoicing in it.
I pray that you will see God's hand and love in each step in this new chapter of your lives.
Beautiful post...I love your blog...just beautiful, inspiring truth. His timing is perfect!
Through BIG changes in life thank God for His strong arms that securely hold us safe as He guides us in our destiny :-)
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