Life, laughter, joy, splashing - you can see why I cherish this photo of my youngest.
The camera captured life, and the essence of loving it with dripping clarity.
What snapshots line the pages of my life's photo album?
Over the past few years, not as many livin' life pictures as I would like.
Time to get out the camera. Anyone want to join me?
This week, I am going to jump in and splash around, in life.
Plant flowers, play hopscotch, color with fingerpaint, camp in the living room, read a book just for fun, blow bubbles when the kids are asleep, the possibilities are endless.
No matter where you are, who you are, or how long it's been, I invite you to join me. No, I double dog dare you :)
Leave a comment if you're ready to splash with me, leave some ideas for all of us and then get out there and do it! (I'm looking forward to all the ideas, and trying them myself)

Sara, I've been posting a photo a day since January documenting my year in pictures. I post it on my facebook page. It's been tons of fun, yet challenging at the same time... to be creative. Like for instance today when I sat home and did laundry, and wrote... what in the world do I take a picture of??? : )
It's fun though.. to capture the days in photos!
Thanks for visiting my blog and the sweet words you left for me!
Have a blessed weekend!
This is wonderful!! Things can get so crazy and we miss the chance to jump in the craziness and make it "joyful"! God has really been speaking to me about this-- I want to slow down and just be in the moment with my little ones. Not to rush them into "growing up" but to enjoy this time--even with it's wildness! I'm definitely going to be playing more games--teaching them more songs--letting God's joy be abundant in our home. Thanks for this reminder, Sara!
Well Sara, I guess it depends on the weather around Chicago. (What I'll do this week.)
Today, I lived.
1. I got out of the house with the boys. (That's huge for me!)
2. Went to a store and met a lady that I met on the internet. (I don't usually condone that.) She gave me coupons and we talked about homeschooling.
3. While at the store, I met one of my kids' friends and his dad. Let the kid ride with us to the next store.
4. Last but not least, we all ran through the ice rain. It was cold but fun!
I'll let you know if we do something this week.
Today was chilly but I wasn't disheartened, I to lived. I played outside with my son, daughter and our dogs. Went for a hike in the woods and enjoyed myself. I put together puzzles on the floor under a fort made out of blankets. Tomorrow it's suppose to snow however I'll still live, we'll go out and make snow angels and bask in the glory god has created for us! Thanks for the reminder that sometimes we really do need to slow down and enjoy the simple things.
A few years ago, my sweet hubby and I were feeling bogged down by both of our serious personalities. So, we took a couple of swing dancing classes and went dancing a couple of times a month. It was so much fun! We also danced with the kids every Saturday night at home. It was a blast. We were just talking about it today and decided that we should start doing it again.
Also, we're in the process of building a tree house with our kids. Very fun!
And finally, my friend, Meredith, gets her kids up at night for a little "party". We do this with our oldest son, partly because he's always serving the others, and it's good for him to have a little special treat. Last night we gave him chocolate and we all read together in our bed. It's a special little secret just between him and us.
Have a fun week!
I'll jump right on in with you physically next week after I recover from surgery. This week I am meditating in God's word and resting ahead of time.
I do love to blow bubbles for my kitties to enjoy catching when they land for just a moment on the carpet before popping.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
What a wonderful post Sarah! After just coming off of spring break I have to say we did some of these things but it doesn't need to just be during vacation....I am so glad I was reminded of this tonight!
Bless you friend!
I think it would be awesome to do a weekly meme on joy! You should do it! I would love to jump in whenever I can, too : ) Honestly, this is a topic God has really been impressing on my heart!!
You truly make my heart smile dear one. Lovebug and I had a beautiful picnic in the park.
Sara, I'm thrilled to read of your contagious joy! I loved your comment on Heart Choices and the invite to splash with you. You are a breath of fresh air to my soul girl. I need you at this trying time in my life.
My email isn't working yet and I have my contacts in Outlook (which I can't access). I have a gmail account that I can open. I'm womdebbie@gmail.com.. Just in case you need to get a message to me. I'll email you when Outlook is fixed. I'd love to visit with you soon.
Blessings and love,
P.S. I need some more of that joy!
Thanks for this. Great post!
Yes, such a precious post!!! We do need to encourage each other, huh? I am low on joy today...5 children are really sick...so this will be good for me to find the joy, even in the difficult moments...
I think, because I love photography, I will try to capture some joy each day with my camera of EACH child (it's not fair to focus on the cute baby all the time :)).
Thank you again for this encouragement and for your sweet notes on my blog!
Dean's suggestion would always be to go fishing.
I like the idea of a joy meme...or maybe a "little things" meme...always liked the saying about looking back and finding out the little things were really the greatest things...my little thing for this weekend was playing with my granddaughter with a big ole fleece blanket...just rolling on the floor and having a good time....
GREAT idea :-) I will think about this and joing in...I have been thinking about this a lot...really living life to its fullest! Joyfully!!!
There are so many heartbraking realities that I still work on everyday, but we also need to take time to live joyfully!
Thanks for this post.
hmmm... good thoughts! Today I got sidetracked from homeschool and packing because we found an amazing ant hill that we had to capture in our ant farm. Then the rain came and of course we had to run in it for a while too. And then a bubble bath!
I recently bought myself a jumprope and started jumping with my daughter. So much fun! I'll have to get myself some bubbles though...
I love the word JOY...I
want to live in it...
Love your blog.....I am doing some fun blog hopping tonight.
Great post....Hope you will stop by for a visit. I have a giveway that I am drawing for this Friday...
Oh Sara! Psst! I have a little award for you over on my blog. I love spalshin' around here and wanted to share the love.xo
Wow...I will try Sarah...thanks for speaking this into my life also!!
Congratulations and I just wanted to let you know that you are the winner of a copy of Heart of My Heart, a mother's devotional.
Please email me with your mailing address so I can get that off in the mail to you.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Sara I did it....I had an amazing day....I had to put it up on my blog right away...thanks so much for the encouragement...by the way I like the way our hair looks in the crazy family picture!!! Love you and miss you here also...we need to talk soon
I see the joyful face in your photo. Joyful face means joyful life. So have a joyful life in your life. God bless you
I hope you will stop by arise 2 write when you get a chance and read about the Vermont Church Plant. Please pray about sharing it with friends/family/church/prayer groups/etc.
Blessings, andrea
Hello Sara,
Thanks for stopping by my blog today, so nice to see you!
This weekend is our wedding anniversary and instead of just the two of us going out to dinner, we decided it would be more fun to have pizza and a movie at home with the children on Saturday Evening, and then get doughnuts for Sunday morning. I know, a lot of junk food, but the children love pizza and I have not had doughnuts in a very long time…the doughnuts were my idea. ☺
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