Friday, October 30, 2009

Snuggle Alarm

In the morning, these bright eyes peer over my bed, waiting for snuggle. Long ago, I was blessed to forever hit snooze and ditch the alarm clock. Who could resist waking to precious children wanting to climb under the covers to snuggle and start the day wrapped in love.

As mommy and wife, my days can be filled to the brim of busyness vying for my precious time. The dishes, laundry, and unmade beds scream louder than the secret longings of little boys' hearts. I can rush out of bed to silence the chores and schedule that beckons. Or, I can choose to nurture hearts, create memories, spend time with my Jesus and our boys, and simply snuggle.

This past week, during a time of praise a 5 year old climbed on my back. Dancing gently, he held on to my shoulders and we worshipped together. In that sweet moment, I felt as if I was ushering my son into the presence of the King. Gently carrying my little lamb to the Great Shepherd.

My passion, to carry children around the world to His throne. Set them down in His presence and go and search for the other lost children.

Yet each day it begins. I have a choice. To awaken to my snuggle alarm and capture the day with His grace. What precious moments do you share with the children in your life? Don't let them slip away, cherish them as we lead them into His love.

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Sue said...

That is so beautiful! Thanks for the little window into your precious times with Jesus and your boys! :-D

Cathy said...

That is precious, and they are so cute.

christy rose said...

What a precious post!! They are adorable boys Sarah Dawn!

Waitingfaithfully said...

Sarah Dawn,

I have been a mama for 23 years, and still the Lord uses you to teach me so many things. What a beautiful picture you have painted of carrying your little lamb to the Great Shepherd.

Snuggle alarms are delightful, especially the snuggle part . . . and the giggle part too!

Blessings to you my friend, and thank you once again for sharing your heart, and His!


Anonymous said...

You made me smile, Sarah Dawn. Those days are long passed for my girls and me, one 36 and one soon to be 33; but there are grand-babies! And I snuggle with them every chance I get - praying, singing (grandchildren think you sing beautifully even when you know you don't), answering questions; so many wonderful, eternal memories, I think.
Thank you Treasured Friend for reminding me what a holy calling is 'mothering'. Holy Hugs, Kathie

Jill said...

What an inspiring post!! THANK YOU!! I have known for some time now that I just need to STOP "life" and make some memories.....I have been trying to do this for the past week or so. This post reaffirmed my new frame of mind!!

Unknown said...

Thank you Sarah Dawn, for the gentle reminder to cherish my boys. Their time as small men is so short and I tend to lose sight of that too easily.


Denise said...

Very precious.

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

Gorgeous little boys and how important it is to just enjoy moments of snuggles!! They don't last long as they grow up!
Love Collette xxx

Debbie Petras said...

I love how you wrote that you have a choice to awaken to your snuggle alarm and capture your day with His grace. What a thought!

I'm so glad that I got to meet your two boys. How fun to see their excitement when the garbage truck came by. They were so excited to run outside and watch. How many things we take for granted living in the US and yet two young boys were fascinated with something I don't even think about? I loved it and it helped me to remember not to take anything for granted. I'm so glad I met you Sarah Dawn. You blessed me greatly.

Love you,

Mari said...

So true! My kids are grown now but I treasure those snuggle times we used to have!

Unknown said...

Ahh the preciousness of lovin' from our children! The beauty of ushering them to His throne in song! The majesty of His grace pouring in them and through them! To be used - I want to be fully used up when I meet Jesus!

You are such a blessing and I can't wait to have snuggle time with those precious warriors of yours!

Hugs to you all!

Sharon Sloan said...

What a beautiful testimony for the Lord!

When my first was a baby, the Lord put it on my heart to begin each day with worship. We still do that, praise the Lord,....even if it is not "picture perfect". And every school morning when I drive them to their Christian school about 20 minutes away, it is a sweet time of prayer and praise and worship. They know that time is consecrated to the Lord.

One of my biggest prayers as a mom is that I authentically mirror that each day begins with His Word and worship for Him.

Psalm 138 "You have exalted above all things Your name and Your Word."

Thanks, Sarah Dawn, for this beautiful visual of carrying our children to His throne! ;)

Unknown said...

A "S"urprise is waiting for you at my blog today!

Love you,

He & Me + 3 said...

I love this. That picture is so cute.

Tara Anderson said...

I was awakened by my little "snuggle alarms" this morning, too. One of my favorite things about being a Mom!!!

Kathleen said...

Living in the moment. It's tough to do, but oh-so worthwhile, especially when wee ones are near.

I regret to say that I got way too caught up in the cooking & cleaning demands when my own children were young. Thus I rejoice when I witness today's Moms choosing so wisely. It's a time that passes by much too swiftly.

Bless you, mother Shephardess,

Lorrie said...

Thanks for such an inspiring post.

AtlantaMama said...

love love love waking up to that!!!! I am so right there with you on this one. WOW! What a blessing. Thank you Jesus!!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Hi. Great post. These guys are so cute. I have two girls and my best times are buzzing around with them. Blessings. Sarah

Deborah Ann said...

Aww....those little guys are cute!

Linda said...

When the nest empties, you do not look back and cherish memories of a clean house - you look back and cherish the memories of time spent just as you have described it Sarah.

Oh how wise, to grab these moments that slip through our fingers like sand and make precious memories and fill little hearts with love.

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

I adored this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Praying jeremiah home quickly

Christine said...

Hello Sarah Dawn,
what a lovely post. God's grace is indeed awesome and the joy of children is such a gift. I have two girls and marvel at the goodness of God that I am their mother... Thanks for visiting my blog (new as I am!)
Splashing together, Christine

Natasha said...

*tears* beautiful

Daveda said...

Awe, how sweet :) I love the teachable moments, when the Fathers presence is tangible.

Karen said...

So sweet...nothing else to add!

Cherie said...

Very timely reminder. Thanks so much. Sometimes it's very easy to start the day with chaos, but you're right. It's so importnat to cherish each moment and make it special.

The Pastoor Family said...

Hey Sarah Dawn.....just wanted to say hi and give you a smile =) Thanks for stopping by....I missed you while I was on my blogging time out! Your boys are so precious....but you already know that, don't you? ;)

Would love to hear how your adoption is going!!!


mommy24treasures said...

so true and something all of us mommys need constant reminder of.

Darcy said...

Just Beautiful!

Enjoy today!