"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3: 5-6
I am honored and humbled to pour into a group of people seeking after God with their whole hearts. For an entire week, God is allowing me to shape them through His Word and help them up onto the potter's wheel. Still in awe that God delights to use broken pots like myself.
Teaching and learning this week.
Learning what it means to hear His voice. I'm such a simple sheep, but what joy that my shepherd can teach me to clearly hear his voice. I can rest in in John 10:27 and wrap His promises around me, snug and tight, keeping out the chill of doubt.
God longs to reveal His plans to those who will walk in humility, have the faith to ask, be still and wait upon Him, and walk in obedience when he speaks.
Humility, being willing to be known for who I am, no more, no less. I'm learning and cultivating it in my life right along with my students this week. This plant still needs to grow a bit more in my heart.
Today, something I wanted, selfish desires, pride, lurked in my heart. What I wanted was given to someone else and disappointment evolved into tears of sadness. Wiping away a tear, my Shepherds voice gently called to me.
Prefer your brother, Sarah Dawn. I should know, I just taught this yesterday, simple ways to cultivate humility. Time to take out the trowel and dust off my gardening gloves.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2: 3-4
I made a choice. I chose humility, deciding in my heart that I wanted them to have the special treasure. And instantly, the pain fled. I heard my Shepherd's voice, I rejoiced, I planted a new seed.

Love it. I needed to hear that again today.
What a hard lesson humility is---DAILY!
So glad to hear you are being filled to overflowing as you teach what the Spirit is depositing in you, friend. So glorious!
Always a great reminder! Always easy to say...and painful to practice! But, it's not so hard when we remember what the savior did for us! Thanks for sharing that today!
Oh Sweet Friend - it is wonderful to hear your words and all that He is teaching you this week - as He uses you to be the vessel in which to teach others.
The sweetness of humility and the greatness of His love - such a treasure when we can just rest in His grace that always carries us up into the arms of the ONE who wants to wipe away our every doubt, fear, concern and wanting what is not ours!
I love you!
Great post. Great reminder on how to deal with not getting our way and having faith in our Heavenly Father.
Thanks for sharing your heart.
What an awesome lesson to learn. So glad that you listened to the saviors voice & He made it all right. Beautiful!
Hey Sarah Dawn,
Thanks for the post. For the last month I've been praying for a fresh work of the Holy Spirit in my life. After praying for about 2 weeks, humility is what God brought to my heart as the gateway for a stronger presence of the Spirit. I've been reading "Humility" by Andrew Murray and it's a-w-e-s-o-m-e. I'm on chapter 9 of 12 and plan to re-read it again this month. I think we as a church totally underestimate the need for a true spirit of humility in our daily lives in order to be near the Lord and used by Him in a way that totally glorifies Him.
Oops... I was on my mom's google acct instead of mine :) THat last comment was from me :)
this is such a beautiful post ...
Thanks for the writing this. I have been having a hard time being patient and waiting. Thanks for reminding me how we need to be. Humility is a beautiful thing!
Sarah, this was the perfect post for me today. I really needed this, as humility, patience and waiting are all struggles with me. Somewhere along the way I sort of forgot about the importance, and the blessing, of humility. To genuinely praise and be happy for someone who gets what I want. Especially when it comes to pregnancy. Thank you for sharing, and for being so real. Blessings to you in Costa Rica!
God's words to your listening and moldable heart have so blessed mine today, Sarah Dawn!!! Thank you for being humble enough to let him use you in such a mighty way!
Allowing the Lord to live His life through us is the humblest way of life, Yet the most exciting and fun. God knew all along that it was to our benefit and pleasure to submit to Him and allow Him to touch others through us. It is not a sacrifice, but a pleasure and a blessing.
Great post Sarah Dawn!
Glad you stopped by yesterday. Sorry I'm a little slow in responding.
I wish I could send the books to you. I'm thinking they'd be pretty expensive to ship though.
Your post today is so honest and touching. You are a woman after God's own heart. Your honesty brings joy and conviction to my heart.
Thanks for sharing
Beautiful post--I appreciate you stopping by and saying hello! Costa Rica is definitely on my list for sure--PURA VIDA! If I come down, I will give you some notice and we can hang out :D
God has been speaking to me about this topic this week! Thank you for sharing and confirming more for me! Blessings
Beautiful...I needed these words today. Blessings, andrea
It's only in humility that we can find our true source of strength. It's God, pure and simple!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Hello Sarah Dawn,
This is to touching! God is so kind. Isn’t it wonderful how we are released from our pain when we surrender to His ways?
I love that scripture of esteeming others better than themselves. It is so gentle. But I often have difficulty not striving for vain glory. It is in very subtle ways, like wanting to make sure I get the credit for a certain job I did, or being sad because someone is praised for cooking a meal around here, and thinking, “How about me; I do it all the time, and no one thanks me.” If I were truly humble, I would not care. That is where I want to be.
Mmmmmmmmmm! Thank you. I needed to read this.
I love your header picture and blog theme!
You shared a great illustration of how teaching and learning go hand in hand. You have a wonderful way with words. I will come back later to read more posts....
"Humility, being willing to be known for who I am, no more, no less." Boy, that's a good one. It's something I need to cultivate. If you read my post from Sunday, you'll know what I'm talking about.
Glad I could give you a chuckle today!
That is beautiful. So hard but so beautiful. Thank you for your courage to share and to make the hard choice. Blessings, Cory =)
In tears of joy and release...I too choose Him. How wonderful it would be to sit in your class and listen and learn as you share His words of wisdom. That is not possible for me now. But I do know I can sit at His feet, be still and listen and then do what His word tells me. I have His words in many different version. :):) You teach me much...in your words, your actions and by your love. People know you are different!! And they will know The One that makes you so. Oh Pun'kin...I love you. I can't wait to see what He has for your next step.
Oh do I know about humility! Thank you so much for sharing and being so transparent! I am a work in progress, as are all of us, and I'm so thankful that we have a perfect savior who has revealed himself through scripture to show us how we are to be more like him! Thank the Lord for his abundant grace poured out on each of us! And kudos for hearing him so clearly and releasing that selfishness to him. It seems you learned exactly what he wanted to teach you through that moment!
This is beautiful and I never had seen humility described like that before. I have much to learn and you are teaching me. Lovingly, Yolanda
Hi friend,
Thanks for sharing that with us! We love your
site!! Amen & amen! :)
Hey. If you get the opportunity, would you
mind praying for the prayer requests that are
on our main page?
May the Lord bless you and your family!!
Mark, Lynn, Brooke & Carley Seay
ps - please consider "following" our blog
-or- atleast grab one of our free, linking,
blue buttons. ( see top sidebar at
www.LighthousePrayerLine.org ).
•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Visit Us Soon!.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´•
It is so hard to lay self aside. The Lord is continually showing me how selfish I am in many areas. I love that verse as it's a great reminder of what we need to be. Thankfully we have our precious Lord who is willing to help us.
May the seed grow into beautiful fruit in your life Sarah.
I am amazed at how your blog has grown and how God is using you to touch so many.
mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted
Sarah Dawn
You are a blessing to me. Each time I come you manage to give me a beautitful picture...this time your wrote of those you are teaching...you are blessed by being able to
"help them up onto the potter's wheel"
Amazing imagery!
Beautiful post!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. Surrounded by a sea of testosterone, we females must stick together, right?! Haha
I enjoyed your post...you speak the truth!
Blessings to you...
It's taken me the better part of 43 years to walk in humility. I'm still not there, but strive everyday to replace the "me" with "Thee." This is the constant warring of my flesh, but with each surrender I grow in my preference of desire of Christ's light shining through my shadow therein.
So glad to meet you. Keep to it, mother. I'm running the full spectrum of motherhood over here (20, 18, 8, 6); all of the "this" of your right now will reap huge dividends in the days to come.
Nothing is wasted. Mother accordingly.
Hi Sarah Dawn! It is so good to meet you. I love your heart as expressed in this post. I am definitely joining this site so that I can keep up with you and get to know you better.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment. Have a blessed day in the Lord!
You have an amazing blog here. Planting seeds for friends like me to read. Thank you.
My name is Brenda and my best friend's mom just refered me to your blog (she is also adopting from Ethiopia).
I heard you live in Costa Rica and work with YWAM there... I am very passionate about providing safety and spiritual/emotional healing to children, esspecially those who have been orphaned or abandoned in Central America.
I would love to talk with you about what you are doing there and what organizations I could perhaps look into getting involved with (I hope to go to central america, most likely costa rica in about a year.)
My email address is brenda.salvo@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you! Your blog is great- you are a very talented writter and from the sound of things, you are doing great things in this world.
grace and peace be with you,
Wow!!! This post was also awesome! I am so glad you came across my blog because in doing so, I've come across your blog. And already after only reading two of your posts, I have been tremendously blessed! I can't wait to read more!
Take care,
May God sweetly bless you.
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