Life only makes sense to me anymore through the lens of the Word. Soaking it in deep. To take all of what my Jesus commands and live it, breathe it, blur it into my world view.
My natural eyesight screams that I am foolish. How could I love someone that hurt me so? How could I give all that I am to share His love with one who might choose no? How could I trust Him to provide always? Do I dare to believe all of His promises are for me? To step out of this comfort bubble to obey His voice. Blur my vision. I only want yours.
I have lived a life of sharing Jesus, trash dumps, red light districts, indigenous huts of rainforest villages. Coming back to the United States, I see the same poverty. Wrapped in materialism, indifference, utter pain, a lack of Jesus, true poverty. To see this nation as you do Jesus. Blur my vision.
Oh to see the world as Jesus sees it! I pray that the Lord gives me His eyes as I seek to serve Him.
Living for Him, Joan
Oh I love this...
"To live His love with absurd abandon."
Those are the words that have escaped my mind and yet exactly explain my hearts desire!
Thank you!
Hugs and love you bunches,
Blur my vision, Lord --- yes! Beautiful!
So that I may focus on You...
and see things right in the upside down kingdom.
The High Calling Community appreciates your thoughtful, inspiring posts!
All's grace,
Ann Voskamp
So beautifully said...thank you!
Yes, Yes and Amen!! Makes me think of Hebrews 12--Keep my eyes only on you Jesus!!!
Hey Sara, You left a comment on my blog What's happenin' with the Jackson 5 and I was wondering how you found me. It's always nice to meet new believers. Thanks for popping over.
Wow...such a stirring post Sara. Yes Lord blur my vision!
Yes I agree, I need my vision blurred, I want to see as Jesus.
Hmmmm, so nice. I love your writing Sarah!
"Be thou my vision, Oh, Lord." It truly is the only true way to see the world, yet, it can be so overwhelming once the Lord chooses to show us. Thank you for sharing.
Break my heart with the things that break Yours. Blur my vision with tears for heartache around me.
Oh, Sarah.
Your blog is certainly a stand-out blog. We would love to have your blog listed on the Power of Moms Best of the Blogs list. Come visit us at www.powerofmoms.com. It is a site where mothers worldwide can learn from each other. You can email me at tiffany@powerofmoms.com.
Have a great day.
Sara I am so glad you came by to visit me , and thank you for the sweet comment.. I am enjoying browsing through your blog as well.. and I look forward to becoming sisters in christ and blogging buddies..
Come by and visit with me any time.. and grab a glass of sweet ..
Have a blessed day
Sara I am so glad you came by to visit me , and thank you for the sweet comment.. I am enjoying browsing through your blog as well.. and I look forward to becoming sisters in christ and blogging buddies..
Come by and visit with me any time.. and grab a glass of sweet ..
Have a blessed day
Beautiful post Sara! I pray that God will help me blur my vision too!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. Your comment means so much to me, more than you know! Thanks again!!
God bless you and hope the rest of your week goes well!
Thanks for splashing around my Blog today! I just joined yours...and will be following you, as you venture through this world and perhaps...we can both gain blurry vision and only see through HIS eyes. I have a Joshua..and he is my oldest...and was just accepted as a member in our church! So awesome to see your big guy getting baptised!
Many Blessings...come back and splash some more!
Amen, beautifully said.
Amen; May Jesus wake us in all areas that we don't have his heart and are sleeping.
Thanks for viisting me Sara. I look forward to getting to know you.
I love your heart. I want to live His love...for others to see Him through me. I'm so glad you visited me so I could visit you. :)
You know, I think there may be some splashing for me to do here! I have never taken my faith outside of my physical location. No mission work to date. However, I am a crazy advocate and fundraiser for good causes. Because Jesus first love me and told me to love others regardless of the borders. That is why I love him so.
So nice to meet you! I, too, am raising boys and need all the grace God can splash on this mother of four. I'll be back, I'm sure.
Sara, thanks for dropping by my blog (daily bread). I love your words here. I look forward to reading more.
Blur my vision too Lord!
I often pray that I would see the world from His eyes. I even pray that He would love others through me when I find it too difficult to love at times. I even had a dream almost 18 years ago that I've only shared with a few. It was so vivid I woke up sobbing and my poor husband awakened surprised. Remind me to tell you about that one next time we're together in person Sara.
Btw, I wrote about how thankful I am for blogging on Heart Choices today. I created a photo collage of all the bloggers I have had the pleasure and privilege to meet so far. Of course, you are in the photo.
I would really like to get together with you again. I will call you soon as I want to update you. Much is going on in my life.
Love you Sara,
What a wonderful post! You have such a beautiful way with words. Thanks for stopping by my blog--I would have missed this jewel!
Amen, sista.
Oh wow! A new friend stumbles upon my humble little blog and leaves a sweet comment. I jump to her site, expecting to return the favor. Instead, I receive a touch from the Spirit to my heart.
You had better believe I will be hanging out here on a regular basis. And you live in AZ? Even better! Half of my family lives in your beautiful state.
Sara! I am so glad you commented on my blog because I had lost yours! I use to read and loved it so I am thrilled to wade next to you again! :)
Splash around at my place anytime!
Hi Sara,
I am so glad you left a comment on my blog so that I could, in turn, visit yours. I have read several of your posts and have been inspired by all of them! I too sincerely want to see the way Jesus sees and to live a life that glorifies Him and teaches others about Him.
I will definitely be visiting your blog again!
Such a sweet message you left on one of my blogs. You get bonus points for drying in the rainforest. I'm glancing through your blog and have a prayer request. My heart is called to adopt a little boy from foster care - my husband is interested in the idea of adoption, but has cold feet due to being unemployed months ago. I'm trying to lay in God's hands, but having a tough time as I know this little boy's face so well. I'm praying for peace regarding this little boy, to open my husband again to adoption (he was a year ago) and to help this little boy find his mommy and daddy quickly if it isn't us. I'll stop by here too. Thanks for the comment,
Oh Sara!
I am SO glad that you came by my blog so that I could find you. What you have written defines so much of where the Lord has Doug and I....a hunger to be on the edge, poured out and begging to see more of Him.
We walked through a journey when we adopted georgia that I never, ever would have thought I could walk. She had a heart condition and was so very near death. We stepped out because the Lord was more clear than we had ever known about the fact that we were supposed to. He literally performed miracle after miracle to save her little life...and it left us begging Him "do it again!"
We then left on a three week roadtrip with our very small kids to Mexico. We called it the "whatever project" meaning that we would get up every day and say ,"Lord we will do whatever you ask"...we wound up at a school/ministry for the deaf and mute, serving Oxacan migrant workers who lived in 'the bush' and at an orphanage that is far more beautiful than anything I ever could have expected. Through it all the Lord absolutely turned our hearts upside down.We came back grieving how Satan has blinded this country and praying that our blinders would be taken off even more. We do not know what it all means yet but He continues to show us that nothing matters but the cross and His truths.
Thrilled to have found you!
Sara thank you so much for stopping by my blog (How ever you found me). It has given me impetus to update very soon. I have read you recent entries and they are wonderful. I love the Lord but seem to have difficulty putting words onto paper to describe it. You and others, like some of the bloggers in your comments, are so gifted by Him to do that. I am going to pray to be a better witness through my blog. That is the reason I began it, but I get scared as I think of my family's reaction to it if I do that.
Please do come and splash around anytime. Gracie will always be a feature as she is the constant living breathing entity in my life now I am widowed.
What a beautiful blog and a beautiful family filled with Christ's love. thanks for the sweet words on my blog today.
Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and Elijah
Hi Sara,
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a delightful comment. You are welcome to splash around my blog any time you like. :)
This is a wonderful post. I have never heard it put quite that way but I just love it. Your writing style is unique and very enjoyable. May the Lord continue to bless you and yours with a vision for only Him.
Another beautiful post. Thanks for the reminder.
Between you and Ann Voskamp, I'm convicted and couldn't hold back my words. So I'm holding on to the hem of His Heavenly robe for my pouring out. More Lord. I too have lived overseas, to only come back to a culture where my spirit becomes drowsy with my own comfort and ease. And even though I've not lived in huts or visited a landslide of poverty (like Ann), I recgonize my greatest poverty of Christ in me. It's a conviction that makes me want to change. Thanks.
Os sweet Sara, how 'easy' it seems to wear the shoes of the gospel of peace away from the comforts of our own land...
"Dame tus ojos, quiero ver..."
Having prayed months ago for my Jesus to give me His eyes to see the people around me the way He sees them, each night I lay down, having to give Him the burden I feel for those around me, those in my life; each day I wake up having to give Him the thoughts of my neighbors, my firends, my family as my heart overflows with their needs, pain, burdens...
"Blur my vision, sweet Jesus!"
Thanks again, Sara.
May God continue to be your All in all. may you continue to obediently follow Him, wherever He leads whether in the land of plenty or the land of much...You are an inspiration, iron sharpening iron, in my life.
Amen! Thank you for stopping by my blog today! I think we could be fast friends! I love meeting other children of God, this side of heaven! :)
Amen! Thank you for stopping by my blog today! I think we could be fast friends! I love meeting other children of God, this side of heaven! :)
Proverty wrapped in materialism...interesting way of putting it. Thanks for the Post.
Hey girl! I saw that you looked through my blog, so thought I'd check out yours...and really am enjoying what I've found here. It's so good to "get to know you" through your blog! I'm praying God would blur my vision as well.
LOVE this! I'll be praying for blurred vision :]
You are of course more than welcome to read my humble little blog any time you like! I'd like to reciprocate - your blog looks like a place of authenticity and simplicity.
What a treat to get to know you! So glad you splashed into my life with a little of that wet grace. I need it! My prayers echo yours: give me the eyes to see, Lord.
Jen, this is beautiful. And I love how you take a different approach with this. So often I beg God that I may see Him more clearly...but this blurred vision...this makes sense, too.
thank you, Sara.
i want more of Jesus and i want the world to see Him.
blur my vision, LORD..blur all of ours until we see you clearly
You sharpen me and help me open my eyes to the wonders of His love. I always love your posts.
By the way, I am back with a new blog. Please come see me sometime.
Hey Sara! Thanks for the comment on my blog! Awesome about your family serving overseas. I would love to hear more about that. My husband and I just moved back to the US for grad studies, but are hoping God leads us back to Africa after. I often try and imagine what that will look like if God blesses us with children. I would love to hear more about your experiences sometime.
Kristi van der Merwe
Sara, I'm so glad you stopped by my blog and that led me here! I'm enjoying looking around & will be back!
Poking around your blog after you visited mine. I absolutely NEEDED to read this. Thank you thank you thank you.
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