"Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that His name is exalted." - Isaiah 12:4
5 days after the Tsunami ravished the country, we boarded a plane. To be His hands and feet. To proclaim what the Lord had done in our lives. The Lord moved mountains and provided miraculously for our team, providing a way for us to share the hope of Christ with those who had never heard.
8 adults, 5 children, a group of believers learning to live our faith out loud. We shared Jesus through relationships. Taught at local churches. Discipled young believers. Ministered God's love at orphanages. Interceded at Budhist temples. Baptized in the river. Shined on tuk-tuk's and sungtels sharing the life we have in Christ. So much more.
At night, tucking my 2 year old into his piece of foam on the floor he whispered sweetness. "Mommy, I like serving with Jesus." And it was just the beginning. Serving with Jesus, a way of life for all His children.

A mother could not wish for more precious words than those!!
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
(~Proverbs 22:6)
You're a great mother, Sarah Dawn!
Blessings and Hugs! <><
Precious and priceless!
Sarah Dawn, you have been teaching them well.
~To hear Caleb's words at the age of 2 is so precious.
~Seeing him now so excited to see a garbage truck at work is precious.
~Being appreciative of the simple things in life
~Being Jesus' hands and feet to manny is precious
~Loving Jesus is precious
So awed by your encouragement and love as you live out your faith daily in obedience to the Lord.
Love you,
Hi Beautiful friend!
What a precious story and memory to share - to inspire and encourage others to go! Follow God and be His tools!
Miss you and love you!
This comes to my mind, "Jesus loves the little children..."
Blessings to you!
How sweet...out of the mouths of babes...simple truths....
My you've had a busy week. That last line "Mommy I like serving with Jesus" really got me. Out of the mouths of babes.
Love and hugs,
:) that is so cute!
Your children are truly blessed.
beautiful boys...beautiful hearts
He has learned a precious lesson from his parents. What a priceless legacy you are giving your children.
And what sweet little boys.
That is precious:)
I passed on a blog award at my site for you:) Thank you for being an encouragment to me!
Too precious...
Mmm... I like serving with Jesus too!
That is so sweet!
Linked up to you: http://moziesme.blogspot.com/2009/11/mission-sunday_15.html
That is so sweet! No matter the situation around us, our attitudes can really affect our kids. What a great reminder to me! :)
Oh what sweet music to a mother's ears to hear their little one say that! Awesome!
I love that verse you quoted: Isaiah 12:4. I'm in the process of making a Praise Collection of Scripture (I talked about that on my blog recently in one of my Reflections on God's Word posts) and I think this one would be another great one to add to it!
Hope you have a great week!
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