Daughter of Eve, my footsteps trace hers.
Countless times, my mind, reasoning betrays
In the shadow of the garden an enemy lurks
Twisting truth. I reason. Add my thoughts to promises
Stepping into the same trap.
Doubting God's Word over my life. Simple directions.
Daughter of Eve, I question His goodness.
Will He always take care of me?
Reasoning enters. Doubt festers.
My soul inches toward the snare.
Why even listen to the snake?
Wisdom says smack him upside the head and silence the brute.
Reason says listen to what he offers.
How many times have I chosen reason only to ensnare myself?
Reason alone fails me.
Reason without trust in Jesus brings death.
Eve reasoned that God must be holding out.
She reasoned without trust. death.
Daughter of Eve, my footsteps trace hers.
Reasoning without trust brought death to my life.
This is where my path follows another.
Reasoning failed me. I will put my trust only in Jesus.
A new path. A new season.
Seeing my footsteps of the past.
Redeemed from the curse. Forgiven.
No longer a daughter of Eve.
Daughter of the King, Sarah Dawn.
My footsteps begin to trace His.
In this beautiful journey to intimacy, I am learning. My eyes wide open. Maybe for the first time. My life saved from hell, yet my steps continued to walk towards death. There is more. A deep joy welling from inside of me. I have just begun. There is more to knowing Jesus. Complete abandon. Surrender. A deeper trust that takes my breath away with expectation. To continue on this path, I had to let Jesus go deeper in me, revealing the walls I built to keep Him from all of my heart. Dare to dream there is more. Dare to believe that this life can take your breath away. Dare to ask your Jesus to remove all hindrances to a deeper relationship with Him. Dare to trust that He will.

For a time, as I journey on this road, this pool will be a quiet reflective place. Come. Soak. Splash along with me as we wade into deeper waters.