Sunday, August 30, 2009

An Invitation to the Battle

Teach me the power of prayer, of invading the realm of heaven, taking my role beside you and joining the chorus of intercession as you sit, Son of God, and intercede. 

To catch a glimpse of your heart, to empower my prayers with the fire of heaven burning with intense passion. To truly comprehend the power of my utterances, linking with your dreams for the children you created. To call into existence and partner with your heart's cry.

Take my intercession to the next level, my breath mingling with your sweat and blood shed for the nations. The nice neat box where I deposit my prayers, splinter it by your grace and power.

Usher me into the battle today Lord, in the most humbling and powerful place, on my knees.

Friends, today I invite you to war with me. To use this blog as a weapon of warfare in the hands of our Lord, dipped in the syllables of our prayers.

In the comments to this post, leave me something to battle with you, a prayer request.

And dust off your knees with me, read the requests and mount an arsenal of prayers together, as we battle side by side. Invite other prayer warriors to join us. Grab this button, create your own prayer battle post and together let’s invade the heavenly realms and storm the gates of hell.

I’ll be here every Sunday, warring at my post.

image signature

holy experience


Anonymous said...

My wife has had her entire colon removed and she also had a bilateral radical mastectomy. Actually, if I were to tell you all the organs that have been removed from her body, you would need both hands to count them. We have been broken and humbled. The one thing that “we” can say is that even though there are no guarantees that the cancer will not come back and even though my beautiful wife is scarred emotionally and physically, while “we” were sinners…the lowest of the low…God saved us! And that is enough! Even if the cancer comes back, God is enough! He is good! He is precious! He is our treasure! He will satisfy us!

“Whom have we in heaven but the Lord and on earth there is nothing we desire but Him! Our flesh and our hearts may fail but the Lord is the strength of our hearts and our portion forever!”

In Christian love,

Ike and Carol

Sarah said...

Sweet friends, I would be honored to have you pray for our family as well. This week, we give hugs, say goodbye and leave a country that has captured our hearts. Please pray that our feet truly would be fitted with the gospel of peace as we joyfully dance along this path with obedience.

Besitos (little kisses in Spanish),
Sarah Dawn

Unknown said...

Your words ignite the fire to burn with an everlasting prayer and rejoice with an everlasting love!

Praying for your family Sarah Dawn!

Praying for hearts to be open and prepared to do God's will joyfully in AZ. Praying for the hearts of those you have yet to meet! Praying for the hearts of those you leave behind for now. Your hearts are all knitted together forever. Nothing can separate them not even distance.

Please pray for the dancers He wants to come to walk through our doors onto holy ground set apart for Him.

Please pray over Scott's new teen bible study. Pray over his new teachings and direction this year.

Please pray over Jumps 4 Joy and Lexi' heart to remain steadfast and immovable no matter how many people get involved! Pray that people can't help but GET involved and do something to share His love around the world!

Please pray for a beautiful girl in Ethiopia who needs our prayers!!!!!! God knows her name!

Love you and can't wait to see you!!!!

Sara Beth said...

Please pray for Blaire, a young mother who has just been told how aggressive the cancer is that continues to ravage her body. She will be on chemo for 1 year (at the least they say) Please pray that those of us around her are moved by the Holy Spirit to help her, even when she can't tell us her needs. Pray that God will use this illness to draw her closer and closer to him, Pray for her parents who are our children's pastors.

Leah Adams said...

Sarah Dawn,

I will be lifting your precious family up to the One who has called you to His ministry. He has a plan for you, plans for good and not for evil. He knows the way you take. He goes before you and is your read guard. He is Jehovah Nissi.

My heart cry today is for my Jewish and Muslim brothers and sisters who do not know my Jesus. I pray that Holy Spirit would shine His light and soften their hearts toward the gospel of Christ. I plead for their souls, Lord.


Mich said...

Your in my prayers as your family moves and continues to follow where Christ leads...

Beautiful post my friend.

Some many requests could be offered up at this moment, but being Sunday my heart and mind are on my church today. We are about to lose our paster, for God is leading him and our church in a new direction. It is always scary. My hubby is the Assoc. Pastor, and I have been down this road before at another church, so I know what is ahead for my family as well, but I am keeping strong in the faith, for I know my God has a plan.

I pray that a fire will be lit under my church, despite circumstances and that we will continue to do the work of the Lord to our full potential.


Scared said...

Please, please dear Lord, I pray for financial peace in my life that has been torn apart right now. I need some hope. I need strength. I need courage. I am so very afraid and sad.

Anonymous said...

Sarah, quickly checking in; getting ready for church but just had to see if you had the site up and you do! Praise the Lord. I have notified my IDOKs and will again this afternoon. Praying along with you -- what a privilege! Back in a little while. All glory to our God and King. Love in Christ Jesus.

Debbie Petras said...

Sarah Dawn, I found myself writing down a quote of yours from this post in my journal "Usher me into the battle today Lord, in the most humbling and powerful place, on my knees." Such words of wisdom!

I'm so glad you will be returning to AZ. I guess it's selfish on my part because I long to meet you in person. But I will be praying about this move for your family.

There are many in my close family who are not YET believers. Would you join and pray that their eyes would be opened?

Love you,

Lorrie said...

Thanks you for putting up this post...the battle is really fought on our needs....Many request could be lifted up today but I keep coming back to my family REALLY growing closer to the Lord and not just LOOKING like we are on the outside. I pray for my sons to be mighty boys of God...and not our culture. I hope to check back soon to bring all these prayers before the I'm heading off to church.

RCUBEs said...

The Lord's protection and wisdom everytime my hubby go out to serve this country. Discernment and protection over my son and that both of their hearts [and mine]'s flame for the Lord be fanned more.

May the Lord protect you and guide you and your family as you venture into another place. This is an awesome post and what a challenge you had brought down on each of us to really get down on our knees and pray. Lord, please protect us all as we do so. Blessings to you sister.

Andrea said...

I am storming the heavens with you. Please pray for my health and our family. Thank you and GOD BLESS, andrea

The McClain's said...

Sarah Dawn,
Than you again, for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you to bring me to my knees. Know you are your are in my prayers this week.

Please pray for us as well as we have potentially hard conversations and begin preparations for the next phase of our journey in Costa Rica. Pray we will follow our God no matter how it looks to others. Pray that we storm hells' gates together, united as a family, standing on our knees.

Brooke :)

Kat said...


I always feel like I have met with the Lord after reading your posts.

Our prayers are focused on the salvation of our parents. Both my husbands and mine as well as my step mother. All are lost.


Heart2Heart said...

Sarah Dawn,

This is truly the preparation before battle place to be. I see this place as one where prayer warriors will gather and arm ourselves with the armor that God has provided and draw forth our swords to remind our enemies just who has won this battle.

So many souls are at risk so we must prepare and we must unite in one prayer. Let God be before us, as we step in the realms of the unknown and shine God's light into the darkest of places.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Anonymous said...

Sarah Dawn, checking in again, have been praying and sent an email to all my IDOKs asking them to check in and pray too as the Holy Spirit leads.
Be strong and very courageous mighty woman valor.
Redeemed to Serve,

Anonymous said...

I loved being here today. I will be sending up prayers for all who made requests here.

Blessed Be.

Diane said...

You have a beautiful ministry here. I pray wherever God sends you, His grace will cover every step of the way. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! :O)

Kristin said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for the Bday wishes!

He & Me + 3 said...

You are beautiful. I will be praying for our country and for my children as well as my unsaved loved ones.
Praying for you too!

Deb said...

Sarah Dawn,

"To catch a glimpse of your heart, to empower my prayers with the fire of heaven burning with intense passion. To truly comprehend the power of my utterances, linking with your dreams for the children you created. To call into existence and partner with your heart's cry.

Take my intercession to the next level, my breath mingling with your sweat and blood shed for the nations."

That's my prayer request.

You challenge me, Friend.

Sweet dreams.

Sarah said...

Precious sister,

The Lord is wanting to tell me some things today! At our worship time today, there were many words about God's fire, our hearts being ignited in prayer, being warriors in the battle and calling others to prayer! You could have been there, fitting in perfectly, with the words of this post. Our Lord certainly was there, with you and with us, saying the same things! He is good!

I will be praying for your beautiful family. May you be filled with joy and anticipation of all that the Lord will do in your lives and in the lives of the people you meet because of this move.

My prayer request is for the Church (His BRIDE)--may we be united in love. First, for our Lord and also for one another. May He be glorified in our fiery love for Him and for each other!

Many blessings to you, friend.

AtlantaMama said...

I know that God has called me to be an intercessor too... and yet, things have been so difficult... it's like it's become much easier to pray for sommeone else or to believe God for someone elses healing... but I've felt lost in my praying over our own currcumstances and over our family. Thank you for writing this Sarah!

Leah Adams said...

Sarah Dawn,

Just wanted to clarify. I was using "brothers and sisters" to signify fellow humans rather than relatives. Sorry if that was confusing. There are so many Jewish people and Muslim people who need Jesus and they are heavy on my heart.


Renee said...

thank you for stopping by my blog and what a beautiful blog you have here. I am praying for your ministry as your listen to our Lord Jesus and obey His will for your life.

My husband and I are both fighting chronic Lyme Disease. He has had to go on medical leave from his call as senior pastor to a congregation in IA where we live.
Prayers are needed as we try to manage our illnesses and find ways to glorify God while going through treatment. God has a plan!

So glad I came here today ~ I feel blessed.

Stephanie said...

What a wonderful community you have here! Amazing blog!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog...I'm so thankful for your sweet comments!

Denise said...

God bless you for being a beautiful prayer warrior. I stand with you in praying for others, and I will be praying for your family. My prayer request is about my diabetes, please pray that it gets under control, thank you.

Saleslady371 said...

I've been to Costa Rica twice, so I know your love for those people in that beautiful country. Blessings to you as you move on in God's will. I agree with you for that passion to pray today and the above requests which I prayed for also.

My request is for my daughter who is in a huge spiritual battle. We are praying for reconcilliation in her marriage and deliverance.

Jenny in Maine said...

Hi Sarah Dawn, your blog is beautiful, as are your words!! Very inspiring.

Ms.Daisy said...

Sarah Dawn,
Very inspiring blog you have started. I pray God's blessings on you and your beautiful family where ever He leads you.


Anonymous said...

Just found this beautiful blog and wanted to say hello! I look forward to reading more from you :)

Veronica said...

Hi Sarah Dawn!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I see you've also visited some of my closest blog friends too! I love your heart and what you're doing here on this blog. I will be sure to be back to visit you again!


TanyaLea said...

Dear Sarah Dawn~

You are such a gift to me! I look forward to reading your posts, because they always speak to the depths of my soul. I am delighted to accept your invitation and call to prayer. And I will most definitely be amongst those standing in the gap and praying you through this time of transition for your family. I know how much your heart battled knowing what to do when you first felt the Lord calling you to move on. But your obedience is such a testimony to the wonderful Child of God that you ARE!! And I know He will direct you and make your paths straight. Praying for his hedge of protection over your family as you travel and settle in the desert. I'm sure they will welcome splashing with you down there!!
love and hugs,

KEE said...

I was reading through a blog hop post I had done at the beginning of August and found your comment again. You said "You blessed me beyond words today."
So I came back to your blog and have been blessed beyond words myself.

God is using you in a mighty way.
As I read through all the requests tears began to flow here at my desk at 3 in the morning. I'm not litterally on my knees but found myself begin to pray and interced for ever request. I was suprised by this because I have found it hard lately to talk to God.
I won't get into all of my story, it's on my blog, but I have been very sick and they haven't been able to find an exact diagnosis. Whatever this is, it's be debilitating. I'm getting better but I do have really bad days.
So if you could just pray that my good days would outweigh the bad ones. I know God can heal me completely but looking at some of the other requests who have it a lot harder than I, I feel like asking for more good days is good enough for me because I know it could be so much worse.

Thank you Sarah Dawn for touching my heart in the wee hours of the morning and for the time your blog helped me be a little closer to God because I feel so far away at times.

I will be checking back. I grabbed your button and added to my blog.

Have a blessed week.

Lindsey said...

I just adore your blog friend!!! You have a new reader!

Charlotte said...

Hi Sarah Dawn,

My what a beautiful family. I'm jealous and I look foward to following your posts from Coast Rica.

Have you read Beth Moore book "Voices of the Faithful: Inspiring Stories of Courage from Christians Serving Around the World?" It's my favorite book even though I don't even own a copy. I think that my public libary is about to ban me from reading it again because I checked it out so many times.

You were writing about prayer and last night I was praying that "HIS will" be done in my life and that of our nation. Far too often, it is our will that we seek not his and I am certainly no exception to that rule.

I am reminded by the Holy Spirit that "Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal." With that in mind may we allow HIM room in our heart to show us his will and wonderful mercy this week.

May those who read your posts this week be inspired to dig deeper and reach higher so that together as brothers and sisters in the faith we can STAND firm until the Lord calls us home.

And may the blessings, love and presence of Jesus fill the heart of your home with JOY.


christy rose said...

Sarah Dawn, I will be lifting up your family as you move on to the next step in His will for your lives.

My greatest need at this point in my life is to continue in wisdom in raising my children and staying in peace as I do so. I blogged about it. I know you know, you stopped by to visit. But continued prayer is always good. :)
Have a great week,

Searching for God in the everyday said...

Sarah Dawn, this couldn't be more timely. First of all, I am standing with you in prayer for your family and the requests on this list.
Secondly, I would ask for anyone who reads this to please storm the gates on behalf of a friend's baby who may be aborted this week. Lord, please save this baby.

Nancy said...

You have used mere words to touch many hearts. You have touched mine. I have started praying for the needs of bloggers I visit. May your endeaver take much ground in the Kingdom. I have been praying for you.

Daveda said...

Sarah Dawn, thank you so much for the encouraging words you left on my blog. I loved your post about Death having no sting. I had read it before, and loved it then too.

It's great when people understand what you are going through :) Thanks!

Annie said...

It was a privilege to pray for you and Ryan this morning and send you out with prayer. Know that I'll keep praying, but we'll miss you here.

Pray for Mariana- she went home today. We're hoping and praying she comes back on Wednesday. Pray that God keeps working in her life whether she comes back or not.

Anonymous said...

your post reminds me of an old hymn:

Listen to this song using Rhapsody (Free for 14 Days)

Battle Hymn of the Republic


Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord,
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword,
His truth is marching on.

Glory, glory hallelujah!
Glory, glory hallelujah!
Glory, glory hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps;
They have builded Him an alter in the evening dews and damps;
I can read his righteous message by their dim and flaring lamps;
His day is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him, be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

whoa. this is amazing. I am standing in prayer agreement for each need presented here. It's a privilage to pray and stand with all of you. All I can think about is that scripture, 'when two or more pray.....'

Amber said...

Hi Sarah, I cannot believe the timing of this post on your blog, and the amazing journey that you will be going on. I count it an honor to go on this journey with you.

My request is for my friends Micah and Jen and their new baby Lydia. Lydia is 10 days old I believe. She is battling many things a newborn shouldn't have to. It's very difficult on her parents and as of today she now has a respirator. She was diagnosed with agenisis of the corpus collosum while still in utero. They didn't expect anything to happen at her birth, but that isn't what happened. She has had some seizures and is on a feeding tube and other medical interventions. Please pray for them. They have a blog setup to keep everyone updated.
Thank you so much for your prayer and friendship Sarah. I hope that we can see you again soon.

Jen said...

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16

Sarah, God is moving. We continue to do battle in prayer and wait. I am in prayer beside you.

Julie Gillies said...

Sarah Dawn,

I LOVE the picture with this post. Absolutely beautiful, as are our prayers to the Lord.

My desire is for boldness and great grace to walk through the doors God is opening for me, and that I will make HIS name known.

waitingarms said...

Nice to "meet you". Thank you for your sweet words on my blog and I look forward to hearing more about your new adventures.


Ladyblog said...

We are in a real life battle and will go to court on Thursday in a 7.5 year custody battle. Please pray for favor in court. My ex is an atheist who is trying to take away our son and rip him away from his siblings.

Rachel said...

Thank you for linking all these requests and praises. What a beautiful way to usher into prayer!

Praying along with these requests, and ask for prayer for my friend Rissa who has just lost her new husband unexpectedly. She is a believer - please pray for peace and comfort and healing for her heart.

Scrappy quilter said...

Beautiful post...thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. You have a wonderful blog.

Daveda said...

Hi Sarah, I have an award for you if you would like to stop over and pick it up.
Blessings, Daveda

Moore Family said...

Hello, my name is Jennifer. You had left a comment on my blog ( and I thought I would come over to yours. We have 2 sons we adopted international, one from South Korea and the other from Hong Kong. We have been home almost a year with our son from Hong Kong and recently finalized. How long of a wait are you guys looking at? Are you having to use an agency in Costa Rica? Please email me sometime at
I look forward to hearing from you!

Jennifer @ said...

Woo! That post sent a chill of glory down my spine.

Please pray for my family as we continue to deal with the loss of our dear uncle, who died after going under the water on an Iowa lake a few weeks ago.


Off-topic: Thank you for your info regarding teaching about Jesus in public schools. Another reader shared similar info with me, and I didn't realize it beforehand.

Amber Benge said...

I just found your blog and girl, you are a blessing! I can't wait to "splash" around and learn more about you and your beautiful family.

I do have a prayer need that I wanted to share. My family is in the process of adopting and we have to come up with a $2900 deposit in the next 6 days. Would you please pray that God would do His will and His way for us? If this is His path toward adoption for us, please pray that He will sell one of his cows (He owns the cattle on a thousand hills!!) to fund our adoption deposit. Thank you girl! :)

Anonymous said...

We need you to pray now!!! Rand is an electrical engineer that Russ (our director) discipled years ago as a college student. He is now an electrical engineer and came out last week to help with all the electrical systems at the Great Commission Training Center. Yesterday, he and his son Josh, who is 18 or 19, went for a hike in the mountains above the Ranch. They were at a tree line and were supposed to meet last night but Josh never made it. There is a huge search going on right now for Josh. The Colorado Mounted Rangers and other search teams are out along with Russ. These guys have been using their vacation to come and work on the Training Center and they need your prayers. They are in the Weminuche wilderness which could make rescue efforts complicated. Pray right now for Josh's safety, for the teams to find him, for God's peace to be surpassing for Rand and for God to be glorified in this situation.

Reborn said...

"The nice neat box where I deposit my prayers, splinter it by your grace and power."

LOVE this word picture. I will tuck it away and remember it when I find myself slipping into the same passionless prayer routine.

Unknown said...

Praying for you and with you dear lady!
Catherine :)

GodsOwn/Bernice said...

Thank You Sarah Dawn
For bringing me overhere to put up the post for prayer for MAVIS KAMADI!

Now i am here i can post the prayer requests i have....
This month i focus on praying purposefully for my kids Ife and Ayo while reading the book "The Power of a Praying Parent".( Stormie Omartian.
For my health.."woman stuff" is going on and this week..pain in my left arm/shoulderside was diagnosed to be an inflamation of the nerve....
Breakthrough for ourbusiness finances and discernment and direction for the ministery that is ahead for my husband and our family...

Thank You

Elizabeth Dianne said...

Dear Sarah Dawn,
What a powerful post. I read it while at my volunteer job today--had a free moment for a change. I wanted to comment then but didn't have time. It was really awesome and I join with you in praying this prayer. And I love the reference to "little kisses." Thank you, Dianne

Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

Striking prayer words that drop me to my knees.
I will stay here....

May I whisper thanks?

All's grace,

Anonymous said...

Lisa~ pregnancy
Sherri and Todd~ waiting for Emma
Debby~ broken ankle; travel
Steve~ Medical Concerns
Cameron~ Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Valerie~ Medical Concerns
Joy S~ Pedi Open Heart Surgery
Heather~ Unspoken
Doug~ Salvation
Heather R~ Medical Concerns
Christina~ School; USAFR Decisions
Krista T~ Cancer
Nell~ Cancer
Nika~ Missions in Russia
Anonymous~ Fertility Concerns
Heather S~ Medical Concerns
Elijah~ Cystic Fibrosis
Merle and June~ Missions
Duane~Medical Concerns

Deb said...


Nothing is too hard for you.

Nothing is too difficult.

Embrace us.

May we feel Your love.

Your strength.

Your healing hand.

Your mercy.

In Jesus' name. Name that I adore.
